These news contributions and guidelines refer to the rules and recommendations that individuals should follow when submitting or writing articles for tech news websites or publications.
If you’re planning to submit news to our website, it’s important that you carefully read our news submission guidelines to ensure that your content meets our standards.
It’s important to note that we do not accept guest posts or blog content on our platform. Our page is specifically reserved for the submission of newsworthy content only
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2. Self-directed “Guest Post” & “Blog Content” submissions are not entertained. Please review sponsored whitepaper and advertorial options
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4. Disposable email account contacts including Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook will not receive coverage consideration. Use a registered domain email account
5. Content marketing, digital marketing, SEO, link exchanges & keyword rich articles for the sole purpose of digital promotion in the SERPS is not considered
6. Freelancers & paid hyperlink building services are refused.
7. PR agencies and communications agents required to submit via the information to the right. (Austech Media) Don’t email the editoral address
8. Whitepapers & opinion articles are acceptable for the purpose of information sharing only. Please see the sponsored whitepaper options
9. Self directed news, stories, announements or promotional pr contact the media release information to the right (Austech Media)
10. “Reports Publishing is a premium service. See advertising page for more details. Please do not send PR reports to the editorial email address
TBN considers technology sector news stories. Share a tip!
Please note, media releases, promotional PR and reports are not considered a news story.Submissions not sent via the form below wont be considered.
PR agency, publicist, communications agencies & media release submissions contact Austech Media – p[email protected].
Please do not contact the editorial email address directly as your media release will not be read, vetted, or considered for publishing. Zero PR Spam Policy
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Apply to become a writer, journalist and ongoing contributor. Applications open – No bloggers please. This is a news publication. Not a blog – (Some regions may be restricted)
Guest submissions are invitation only. TBN does not consider self referencing for the purpose digital promotion, including anchor text placement or advertising
Blogger requests or offering to “Write something” for the purpose of links restricted/refused.
So TBN can engage and inform our technology industry readership, journalists must get creative in writing and producing news stories and reports.
This often involves researching the latest trends, innovations and conducting interviews with experts in the field
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