So, published for your entertainment – and hopefully for some of you, education, here are the top 20 most used passwords. Also included is a small sample of popular breached passwords from the rest of the list:
The 20 most used passwords
123456 (23.2m)
123456789 (7.7m)
qwerty (3.8m)
password (3.6m)
1111111 (3.1m)
12345678 (2.9m)
abc123 (2.8m)
1234567 (2.5m)
password1 (2.4m)
12345 (2.3m)
1234567890 (2.2m)
123123 (2.2 m)
000000 (1.9m)
Iloveyou (1.6m)
1234 (1.3m)
1q2w3e4r5t (1.2m)
Qwertyuiop (1.1m)
123 (1.02m)
Monkey (980, 209)
Dragon (968,625)
Top 5 names
ashley (432,276)
michael (425,291)
daniel (368,227)
jessica (324,125)
charlie (308,939)
Top 5 football teams
liverpool (280,723)
chelsea (216,677)
arsenal (179,095)
manutd (59,440)
everton (46,619)
Top 5 musicians
blink182 (285,706)
50cent (191,153)
eminem (167,983)
metallica (140,841)
slipknot (140,833)
Top five fictional characters
superman (333,139)
naruto (242,749)
tigger (237,290)
pokemon (226,947)
batman (203,116)
How often does it happen?
It is very common for users of smart phones, laptops, and PCs to be vulnerable to attacks that result in leaking or capturing their passwords and user names across multiple data breaches. A variety of security measures are available to protect against such attacks, but it is important for users to remember that they can never be 100% protected against these risks.
If an identity hacker already has access to a smartphone or laptop with a weak password, he will simply log in using any information that is accessible on the compromised device. Passwords are often forgotten by users themselves but this makes them easy to be hacked. The following is a closer look at how common hacks are and ways that they can be prevented.
Many people use their birthdays as passwords, which makes it easy for identity thieves to steal their identities. Hackers who perform these attacks will make a list of commonly used birthday dates and then attempt to guess them.
They may check whether the answer to one of these questions is already a known password or if it is a common one they can easily guess. If they cannot guess the answer, they will try to find another way around the restrictions that have been placed on it. Some of these methods include writing the required answer in a chat room, emailing it to another person, or using the name of a child that is used in chat rooms.
Hackers also attack social media sites in an attempt to gain access to personal information stored on these accounts. Social media is commonly used by people to discuss things they feel are important while online.
When a hacker gains access to this information, he will use it to post ads, change accounts, or deface other websites. Because social media is used widely throughout the world, it is incredibly important for people to ensure that their passwords and personal information are not being shared outside of their accounts.
There are other ways for a hacker to get into a computer. Computers that are not secured are easier for a hacker to get into. The problem with many common hacked passwords is that people tend to use very easy to guess passwords. This makes it easier for the hacker to break into the system. Therefore, anyone who has a strong password should make sure that it is added to the system.
Some common hacked passwords are usernames and passwords of employees. Many people choose to create usernames that are hard to guess which usually results in a weak password. A weak password makes it so that anyone who finds the password will not know what it is. People also use passwords containing words or numbers that make it very difficult for a hacker to guess.
The best way to prevent a hack is to make sure that any passwords or usernames that are used online are strong. Hackers often hack into systems that contain very weak passwords because they are easier to crack. It is also smart to change your usernames and passwords on a regular basis because this also makes them hackable passwords.
Hackers will also try to hack into bank accounts and credit card accounts. They do this because these types of accounts typically have the most security built in. A person can protect their data by changing their passwords immediately.
In addition, it is smart to change all passwords on all accounts because if one is hacked they can easily break into the others as well. If you need to change your passwords on your accounts, do so immediately and do not rely on emails that claim to be sent from you when actually they are from someone else.
Why does it matter?
Security Breaches are getting bigger all the time: The Collection #1 breach, for example, saw more than a billion unique email addresses and passwords posted to a hacking forum for anyone to see. Last year, there were major breaches of the likes of Marriott, British Airways and Facebook, among others.
It could be argued that some companies aren’t doing enough to protect people’s data but there is one thing users can do: take control of your own security by trying to follow best practices and using recommended anti-hacking software,
What can you do?
It goes without saying that if you see your password on the list, you need to change it now. You can also start to follow a few simple guidelines. Passwords need to be strong, but they should also be unique across each of your different accounts.
Of course, some accounts hold more sensitive details than others – your email for example. But concerningly, less than half surveyed by the NCSC say they do not always use a strong, separate password for their main email account. The NCSC itself offers a lot of helpful advice on its site, including avoiding credential reuse and choosing strong passwords comprised of three or more random but memorable words.
If that’s tough to remember, I’d recommend a line from a book or a song – and also do not be afraid to have a physical book for your passwords. As long as you keep this separately from your devices and not in a text file on your desktop, it’s actually pretty secure.
Better still, use a password manager such as LastPass or 1Password. This creates passwords for you which removes the need to remember them. These need to be secured with a master password, which must itself be strong or hackers could access all of your credentials in one handy place.
Dr Ian Levy, NCSC technical director, told me: “Password managers, whether an app, built into your browser or your device, can help with the burden of remembering lots of different passwords. Just remember to make your master password strong, along the lines of our guidance.”
It’s also a good idea to have a look at Troy Hunt’s site, HaveIBeenPwned. You can enter your emails and passwords here to check if they have shown up in any breaches. For those of you concerned about doing this, don’t be: It’s good to be suspicious but this site is great tool to help ensure you are changing your passwords when you need to.

Hacking Technology
Hacking Technology is the science of exploiting technological weakness of a system to achieve some criminal ends. Hacking can take many forms. It is used by professionals to break into secured systems to steal information and use it for their own purposes. Hacking can also be used by amateurs to access secured systems and then use the information they obtain for their own reasons.
The most common type of hacking tools is the program which taps directly into and collects data from an infected computer. Other types of hacking tools collect data remotely.
The most dangerous form is Remote Control, which allows an attacker to control your computer and other computers remotely. There are many specific programs that fall under this classification, such as: Trojans, spyware, adware, back door programs, keyloggers, and cookies.
In the past, hackers used simple tools for attacking systems. However, due to advances in hacking technology, they have developed more complex tools.
Some of the most sophisticated hacking techniques include: Stealing Bank Account Numbers, Personal Data, and Identity Information.
Hacking is very costly and poses a serious threat to businesses and governments; therefore, security must be improved to prevent against this practice.
One method of securing computers and networks against these latest threats is Public Key cryptography (PT). Public Key cryptography is the process of using a unique key, called a public key, to encrypt data.
The purpose of this is to require that only you, the user, can decrypt your data without leaving a trail of keys for others to easily access. This encryption is much more complex than just encrypting a file, because it takes the extra step of digital signatures as well.
One of the ways that researchers are using quantum computing to further enhance the security of our data centers is through quantum computing research. The goal is to use quantum computing to help with the protection of data, rather than simply hack into it. Researchers at Stanford University have been successful with creating a new method of encryption called quantum encryption.
Quantum keys work on a complicated level. They are made up of binary options. Each binary option is a number between one and nine. The numbers are not arranged in any particular order. Rather, each number is mixed up randomly. Because these keys must be completely random, they need to undergo a significant process to ensure their accuracy.
Public key cryptography relies on using a public key with a different key, known as a public key, on each computer that needs to be protected. The public key allows anyone who needs access to the protected data to use an algorithm to break the code.
With each use of the public key, the algorithm is reset and a different code is used, ensuring that no one else can use the keys that have been broken. This ensures that information cannot be hacked into and used against a user’s will. By using quantum keys, you can greatly reduce the threat of being hacked.
Hacking technology is constantly evolving, with new types of encryption being created every day. New technologies are making it easier than ever before for someone to gain access to your information if you do not consider the prevention methods now available. However, many businesses still opt for older methods of protecting their data because of their cost and difficulty of maintaining them.
Quantum keys are an example of a relatively new type of security measure that many businesses are turning to. While this type of technology is still relatively new, its use is increasing and its effectiveness is also growing.
WiFi hacking is when a computer hacker figures out a way to break into the security of a specific network, such as Wifi. There are several possible threats to a network’s security that can be exploited by a knowledgeable and skilled hacker.
The most common of these vulnerabilities (which we call ‘backchannel’) is using a computer to connect to a WiFi hotspot. There is actually no security in place in that scenario; the connection is secure just the same. This is the main reason why many ‘hackers’ choose to target Wifi.
Another possible vulnerability of the wifi protocol is using the wifi drivers / software stack on embedded device such as smartcards, cards used in portable computing devices, USBs and other things.
Most embedded devices make use of the Wifi driver as part of their default driver installation process. Hence, these devices will advertise their Wifi status and the network availability using the Wifi configuration utility and on the other end will get an access code which needs to be provided when the user connects to the network.
Some people are also very clever in figuring out ways to enforce strong password protection on their wireless networks. They do this by creating a ‘shadow’ Wifi network, broadcasting a broadcast ‘opener request’ to all nearby wireless networks. When you connect to this network, your computer is automatically redirected to the main wireless network. With strong passwords set up, this won’t work as it would for Wifi hacking tools.
The third possibility for wifi attacks is through ‘HTTPS’ which stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. When an infected web page requesting for ‘free wifi’ gets accessed, there is a possibility that the page may contain a vulnerable wifi browser.
Such a website may have a form filled up with the username and password and then submit the form to the server without the victim’s knowledge. This is usually a common attack technique among mobile wireless attacks as the software used for such free wifi requests has the option of either changing the settings on the server or passing the information directly to attackers.
These are just some of the most common ways which can be used for wireless hacking. It is very difficult to completely eliminate these attacks since most of the attacks happen when the wireless networks are being used unethically. It is best that you always secure your wireless networks before they are used.
You should never share your SSID (public/private) passwords to anyone, since this will allow attackers to log into your devices and use your personal data. You should also never click on any link from the email which you have not read and you should always check the email header.
A wifiphisher is a very famous tool which allows wireless hackers to break into various secure networks. With such software, they can bypass the security and gain access to sensitive data or even crash the system of a particular device.
In fact, many government agencies are also using such tools to track down people who were giving out confidential information through wifi connections. Such software is usually installed on the infected wi-fi enabled device and it performs the actual attack without any user’s knowledge.
There are many different ways to protect yourself against such attacks. You should make sure that your computers or gadgets are not constantly connected to the internet. Hackers can easily use your networks to track your personal information and even to send out spam emails.
A good way to get rid of any kind of hacking into your wireless networks is to install the latest anti-virus software on your computer and all your gadgets.
Kali is well known as the open source k Kali Linux distribution which is famous for its powerful attack and patching capabilities. This means that once you have it working on your laptop, you can install almost any application in it including a Wifi tool which is useful in hacking into wifi networks. You can either use the manual method to install the application or by downloading the source code and installing it in Kali Linux. I
f you want to protect your android smartphone from hackers then you should download the latest version of Mobango’s open source app that enables you to remotely control your smartphone through a web socket connection.
Server Hacking.
What is server hacking?
Server hacking is when a hacker penetrates a computer system through several means. The most common means of server hacking are server crashes, worms and Trojans. Other means of server hacking include using spyware and malware to invade a computer system. However, even though these methods are the most common, they are not the only ways that hackers gain access to a server.
There are many ways that an attacker can gain access to your network. Sometimes, an attacker will just enter your system from another location on the Internet; other times, malicious attackers can use illegal means such as bugs or back doors to gain access to your network. Additionally, people who have legitimate access to your system can also commit server hacking, as well.
Why does server hacking happen? There are a variety of reasons that justify hacking. Often, hackers wish to test the security of their website or network.
For example, an Internet cafe in Hong Kong hacked last year by a group of Internet hackers who wanted to test the security of a website. Similarly, a group of Internet “pranksters” hacked into the networks of banks in Scotland and England in order to gather credit card details. While all of these are valid reasons for hacking, it is not always the case that hackers intend to do harm.
If a hacker is only trying to test out a network security engineers are called upon to find out the real cause of the problem and take steps to fix it. In most cases, security engineers can determine the source of the hacking and stop the activity. However, sometimes the hackers gain access to critical systems and can do far more harm. While ethical hackers may use their abilities for good, these same hackers can use their skills for evil.
When it comes to ethical hacking, there is no way to measure the intent of the hacker or the damage they cause. While many businesses treat ethical hackers with kid’s gloves, some companies have had their networks compromised by these same hackers, simply because the IT staff was lax in their security checks and did not enforce policies prohibiting penetrations through the mainframe. In other words, the IT staff may not have been aware that such a dangerous activity was taking place.
When a business hires an ethical hacker or security firm, this staff member will need to be trained on how to identify the difference between “good” and “bad” hacks, and to institute a policy of rigorous checking and prevention.
When a network or server is compromised, the result is typically a complete and total compromise of the system. This not only destroys the data on the system, but it also destroys the business’ entire security posture.
Security experts call this “broken authentication.” Simply put, broken authentication is when a security check that an employee has executed against the system yields false results, because an exploited computer has already compromised the system.
Security testing can determine whether or not a security clearance has been issued and whether or not the system has been properly patched, thus preventing penetration testing from discovering the actual hacking attempt.
To stop these types of attacks, it is vital to have a proper security posture in place. A security testing team is able to quickly pinpoint weak spots and weak points in a business’s infrastructure, allowing companies to quickly remedy the issues that allow malicious hackers into their networks.
These professionals can further isolate vulnerable servers from the rest of the network, which allows for a complete shutdown of affected servers. Once the vulnerable servers are removed, all infected files and applications can be safely deleted from the hard drive.
By having professionals evaluate a company’s IT infrastructure, companies can prevent these types of issues in the first place. By performing regular audits of the overall security posture of their server farm, businesses can make sure that any weak spots or vulnerabilities have been identified and corrected before they become a serious threat.
By having an initial assessment done to identify the vulnerabilities that contribute to unauthorized access, businesses can then focus on correcting them, which can significantly reduce the potential impact of such an issue. While it may seem like an unnecessary expense to hire ethical hackers to find and fix security vulnerabilities, this kind of help can be invaluable in the event of a full-scale attack.
Hacking Internet Connections.
Hacking Internet Connections is a serious matter. The fact is that it is happening and people do not realize it until it is too late. One thing is for sure; if you have weak or old internet connections then you are at risk of having your identity stolen.
You see, hackers will use the information they gain from a compromised internet connection to obtain new services and passwords. If you are using a free email account then you are opening yourself up for identity theft.
There are two major issues that people face with their insecure internet connections; SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). SQL Injection happens when someone inserts malicious code into the web server’s database.
This hacker can use this information to gain access to your financial records or to access websites that you may not want them to. On the other hand, XSS allows an attacker to read your personal information, such as your address and credit card number.
So how do you protect yourself? There are many different things you can do to secure your personal information. The first and most important step is to get an internet security software solution to help protect you against SQL injection and XSS attacks. This will make it harder for a hacker to gain access to your information because it will be encrypted and therefore harder to read.
Many people are wary of spending money on security software because they think that they have to pay too much. However, it is a small investment that will pay off greatly in the long run. You should also use firewalls. They are cheap to buy and are great at blocking unwanted software from getting on your computer. You can even install a program like No Adware that blocks spyware from ever coming on your system.
Another thing you can do is to change your password on your email accounts. This is not always practical because you probably don’t change it every day or even every week. You can use a virtual private server (VPS) to put your files and data on that server instead of on your own computer.
VPSs are cheaper than dedicated servers and you will have security and access to your files as if you were using a dedicated server right alongside your desktop computer. You will also have a separate mail account and you won’t have to share your mail with any other people.
Another common problem for people who are thinking of changing their internet service provider (ISP) is that they think they won’t be able to protect themselves anymore. This is simply not true. If you frequently visit forums, you will find that the topics about security are always on the rise. There are actually several things that you can do to increase the security of your connection.
For instance, you can choose a stronger VPN server. This will ensure that no one can read your information (and conversely, no one can send you information). You should also make sure that you change passwords often so that no one can guess them or log into your account.
In addition to increasing security, you might want to consider changing your internet browser homepage (which is controlled by the website itself) and getting a different email address.
By the end of the day, even if you are using VPN to protect yourself, you still need to think about where you store your information.
While you’re there, you might as well ensure that you delete all the cookies from your computer and that you turn off all the add-ons. The worst thing that can happen is that someone gets online and finds out what you have been doing.
Antivirus Software
List of the best free Anti-Virus products.
- Avast Free Antivirus.
- AVG AntiVirus FREE.
- Avira Antivirus.
- Bitdefender Antivirus Free.
- Kaspersky Security Cloud – Free.
- Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
- Sophos Home Free.
List of the best paid antivirus software in order.
- Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2020.
- Norton Antivirus Plus. …
- Kaspersky Anti–Virus. …
- F-Secure Antivirus SAFE. …
- Comodo Windows Antivirus.
When you have made the decision to get an anti-virus software, you will discover that there are a number of different options available to you. There are literally hundreds of vendors and operating systems to choose from.
While this can be quite overwhelming, it is best to explore your options carefully so that you will know which anti-virus software is going to best meet your needs. The first step is identifying what kind of threats you believe you may be facing.
Viruses and malware are known malware or malicious websites. They are designed to do harm, and they often do it without the user’s knowledge. They sneak onto a computer system through freeware programs, shareware or other downloads.
They then install a key logger program that can record all sorts of information including credit card numbers, usernames and passwords and even bank account details. This can be used later if the user hasn’t been aware that the program exists on their computer.
When it comes to choosing an anti-virus software package, there are several things you should keep in mind.
First of all, you should always go for the automatic updates feature. With so many infections out there it is not uncommon for an infected program to be released with no automatic updates. This leaves the user to either wait for the update to arrive on their own or manually search for and install the update themselves.
Both of these actions can cause massive amounts of time that can be used up instead of protecting your computer system from viruses and malware. Therefore, it is important that you get an anti-virus software package that has regular and automatic updates.
Security is one of the most important features of any good anti-virus program. Most people don’t realize that a lot of the protection provided by an anti-virus program isn’t actually the anti-virus software at all. It is in fact built-in security features.
Anti-virus programs provide a number of built-in security features that are extremely helpful to the end user. If you want the most secure protection you can get, then you should always make sure you have one of these built-in features enabled on your operating system. Most programs will offer you various options when it comes to enabling the security features.
Virus scanners are another built-in anti-virus product that you want enabled on your system. These tools scan through your entire computer and identify any threats that it might identify. The anti-virus scanner is actually responsible for identifying viruses and other infections on your computer.
You should enable the scanning feature whenever your computer starts up. This will help make sure that viruses and other malware aren’t able to install themselves on your system again.
Cloud computing is another way to protect your system against viruses and malware. There are different ways you can use cloud computing to protect your PC. First, you can create a virtual private network to allow your employees to access files on your PC in real time.
By creating a separate network, they will only be able to view files on the cloud if they have permission from their desktop.
One of the biggest fears of many people is viruses, spyware, and malware. Many people believe that they have no defense against these types of problems, but the fact is that there are plenty of different anti-virus products available today.
No matter what type of anti-virus product you are trying to protect your computer against, you should be able to find something to suit your needs.
Many businesses choose to use anti-virus programs as a way to prevent employees from using their computer for personal purposes. Many times, companies find that viruses cause more problems for the company than the threat of having someone steal data or utilize the system for illegal activities. Since there are so many different anti-virus programs available today, there is sure to be one available to protect your PC.
Common Hacked Sites.
One of the biggest threats to computer users is the occurrence of the so-called “common hacked sites.” Common hacked sites refer to a variety of online sites that have been compromised by hackers and are consequently being used for the purposes of internet fraud and other criminal activities.
There are actually a number of different types of common hacked sites, including phishing scams, keylogging operations, and even the promotion of online pharmacies. In fact, some phishing scams actually require you to enter your personal and bank information in order to successfully complete a transaction.
While these types of operations are becoming less popular by the day, they are not the only ways that hackers are compromising websites.
Phishing scams are very common on the internet. The scammer will create a website that appears to be operating online, however, in reality the site is running on a server controlled by the hackers. The user is led to think that they are entering their login information and password when in actuality their details has been stolen. Because of this, it is essential that any time you encounter a phishing site on the internet, you must treat it with extreme care.
Other types of common hacked sites include keylogging operations and computer hacking. With keylogging, the hacker has the ability to log keystrokes and take control of the keyboard itself. This means that instead of typing in a web address or URL, the user is typing in a code that the site is controlling.
Because of this, it is vital that you always make sure that you have administrative rights when using the computer where the keylogging software is installed. It is also vital that you never reply to emails from unfamiliar senders, as many times the keylogger will use the screen to display messages. This means that you may unknowingly read information that will be used against you.
Computer hacking is another form of security breaches that occur online. Many times these attacks occur through security holes in a website or through a software program. When a hacker successfully hacks into a computer system, they have full access to all files and information stored within that system.
These attacks have seriously damaged many computers and caused major financial losses for businesses and individuals alike.
Hacking is not only limited to websites either. It can also happen on social networking sites such as Facebook. Hackers use these sites as a way to gain access to personal information as well as company information. As you may have seen in recent news, many celebrities had their personal details stolen by hackers who were posing as fans.
The most common hacked sites are those which contain financial or personal information. Common sites that are targeted include bank accounts, credit cards, email accounts and mortgage information. This may not always be the case, as there is a high volume of people on the internet who are looking for ways to make large savings. This is why the incidence of sites being hacked is often high.
One way to prevent sites from being hacked is to make sure they are using a reliable webhost. Hackers who are responsible for these attacks will find it very easy to gain access to a site’s server.
A website that does not use a reliable hosting service is much more likely to be hacked than one that does. Security holes that allow hackers access can also be found in website templates. Templates may seem like an insignificant issue, but they can allow someone to create a site that looks legitimate but is actually fake.
Another way to protect your website is to update it on a regular basis. Many of the common hacked sites that have been discovered recently do not update their information regularly. This means that if anyone finds out that a site is hacked, they have no way of contacting the site owner to let them know about it.
An update will not only keep your site secure but will also increase its speed and allow you to serve customers faster. Your site needs to be secure at all times, so make sure it always has up-to-date information.
Here are 7 major breaches that happened in 2020:
- 1- Nintendo Data Breach.
- 2- Twitter Spear Phishing Attack.
- 3- Easy Jet Data Breach.
- 4- CAM4 Data Breach: 10.88 Billion Records.
- 5- Marriott Data Breach.
- 6- Zoom Credentials Hack.
- 7- Antheus Tecnologia Biometric Data Breach.
Phishing Scams.
Phishing scams are quite common, and because of the rising prominence of social media websites, many businesses are also prone to accepting phishing scams. Phishing scams are extremely harmful, since they can lead to identity theft.
When phishing scams occur, they commonly request sensitive personal information from you such as usernames and passwords. It may sound innocent at first, but the consequences of providing this type of information can be devastating.
Phishing scams usually attempt to exploit your trust, making you think that you are about to sign up for a free service or product that offers great value. As soon as you click on the link, your personal information such as name, address, phone number, and credit card number are sent to the attacker.
With just a few simple clicks, your identity has already been compromised and could have already been used to make purchases under your name. Phishing scams are very clever because most people are quite gullible when it comes to clicking on links. They may think that it is safe, especially if the website promises a free gift. However, a legitimate website that promises a free gift will never ask for personal information.
Phishing scams are so dangerous because once your identity has been compromised, it will be very difficult to retrieve it. This means that once the thief uses your information via email, he or she will not be able to get any type of financial information via email.
Some scammers have even used the information they gained to open a new bank account, change credit cards, open new accounts in your name, and take out high-interest loans in your name. If this happens, you could be in real big trouble.
To protect yourself from phishing scams, it’s important that you learn how to protect yourself from Internet safety. First, you should use common sense and engage in responsible Internet behavior. For example, if someone claims to provide free security awareness training to you, but within minutes of you authorizing the session to begin, you find that you’re being asked to give your credit card number, you should know something is up.
Don’t fall for these scams! Instead, find a reputable provider of Internet security awareness training who will require that you at least sign up for the class by providing your credit card number.
In addition to protecting yourself from phishing scams, you can also prevent Internet fraudsters from targeting you via spear phishing. Spear phishing occurs when a bogus e-mail containing a malicious link is sent to you, usually with the subject line “scam”. The e-mail usually contains a link that when clicked triggers the fraudsters’ attack emails. Attack emails can include viruses, malicious codes, spoofing messages and other malware.
Another common method for cyber criminals to contact you online is through what are known as “pretext” attacks. In this attack, a cyber-criminal uses the guise of legitimate business or personal websites to steal personal information from you.
The most common type of “preconception” attack is a bogus e-mail that asks for your social security number, bank account number, credit card number or other personal data. Most people, unsuspecting, will respond in kind by supplying such information. If a cyber criminal has your information, he can open new accounts in your name, use your credit cards or take out loans in your name.