After a huge success of digital GovHack 2020,
GovHack 2021 will run across Australia and New Zealand from August 20 to August 22. Due to varied state restrictions, the competition will be a combination of digital and physical event.
We are happy to announce that in South Australia, the event will be held at Torrens University adhering to all the Covid-19 restrictions.
In this digital era, data is a critical asset and an enabler for any economic or social activity. Hence, analysing the data is an essential competency. This is exactly what GovHack is all about!
GovHack 2021, the largest open data hackathon in southern hemisphere encourages people to utilise the open data available to us and come up with productive solutions to make our lives better. This platform will facilitate a significant contribution to the social and economic value with the help of open data available. It is a great opportunity to put your skills in use and build new skills through this challenge.
If you have technical as well as analytical skills and are looking to explore your entrepreneurial side, GovHack 2021 is the right place for you to showcase those. The competition is open for all ages who are willing to go beyond their potential and come up with great outcomes for the benefit of the community.
This year the competition has 4 themes: Energy and Infrastructure, Our Digital Future, Agriculture and the Environment and Health & Wellbeing. In 46 hours, the teams will be expected to create an insightful piece of video on the data they have analysed. The idea is to illustrate their findings as a story which could help solve a problem in our society.
Sponsors make a huge contribution to make the event happen. That’s why a BIG THANKS to our lead international sponsor Infosys and international sponsors & partners Confluent and Slack.
Further a BIG SHOUT OUT to our South Australian sponsors & partners- Stone & Chalk, Torrens University, Adelaide
University Entrepreneur Club, Founder Institute and Moonshots. Australian national sponsors include Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Government-Australian Taxation Office and Department of Education, Skills & Employment, Telstra and Microsoft Windows.
The list goes on having Australian community partners such as AARNet, Hackathons International and LUMA institute.