The NSW government is set to pilot photo verification technology to give people more control over their personal data while maintaining secure online identity verification.
NSW minister for customer service and digital government Victor Dominello says the decentralised digital ID strategy is moving to a pilot phase.
“The technology will always be opt-in and will put customers in charge of their personal information like never before.”
“A recent spate of cyber attacks has brought to light the importance of preserving consumer control over private information, as well as the importance of avoiding disclosure of personal information.” says Mr Dominello
Privacy Impacts Assessments, Fraud Risk Assessments, Security Risk Assessments, and compliance with the NSW AI Assurance Framework are among the safeguards that will be in place throughout the pilot, ensuring the security and privacy of customers. Ongoing tests will also continue throughout the pilot phase.
A locally-stored ID will be created allowing users to remotely renew their Working with Children Check or prove their age for alcohol purchases using the Service NSW app without providing physical ID cards.
According to Dominello the NSW Digital ID program will build and improve on the work already done by the Federal myGovID program.
“The NSW Digital ID program will provide customers with the ability to prove their identity through a secure digital channel when transacting with government, businesses or non-government organisations.
“In doing so, it will unlock a range of possibilities for more inclusive and secure digital government services.
“NSW customers have already embraced the Digital Drivers Licence with over 75 per cent of licence holders opting in to access their licence via the Service NSW app.” he said
Commencing in November, customers will be able to renew their Working with Children Check remotely via Service NSW and verify age for online alcohol purchases through the Service NSW app.