Nuclear technology deals with the nuclear reactions involving the nucleus of an atom. Among the prominent nuclear technologies are nuclear Reactors, nuclear medicine and nuclear arms. It is also widely used, among many other things, in gun sights and smoke detectors.
Nuclear Reactors are the centers of the process of nuclear reaction. These are responsible for creating energy which is used to turn nuclear particles into energy useful for living things. In most Reactor devices, a chain reaction takes place, resulting in the production of more energy than was input. As more atomic nuclei split, more energy is released. These reactions give off heat, making the metals capable of sustaining nuclear reactions. Some of the uses of these are to turn the fissionable element Uranium into a functional one, called Plutons, in nuclear fuel plants.
Nuclear Medicine is a process used for diagnosis and treatment of patients who may be exposed to radiation or have certain diseases. Nuclear technology in this field uses techniques to measure and handle the amount of radiation exposure. During this process, medical technologists use various methods like x-ray, gamma-ray, PET, etc. to get information about the atomic particles in the patient’s body.
Nuclear weapons manufacture is another branch in the nuclear technology. Nuclear weapons are mainly made to be used against other countries. The bombs are made of different types of materials, like uranium, plutonium, etc., which are needed in the manufacturing of nuclear power plants and atomic weapons. Many nations that possess nuclear power plants also wish to have nuclear weapons to ensure their independence from foreign countries.
Nuclear technology also deals with the production of electricity using the nuclear reaction. Nuclear fission reactions in the nuclear energy plants splits the Uranium molecules into two, producing high voltage electricity. Some nuclear power plants use uranium to produce electricity. However, not all nations can mine this type of uranium. Japan is one of those countries which have found deposits of this rare element, and they are using this to generate electricity.
Nuclear Reactors is another branch of the Nuclear Technology. A Nuclear Reactor is a type of generator, which uses Nuclear Reactions to generate electricity. A Nuclear Reactor consists of a simplex transmitter and an on and off switch within the cavity. This type of generator does not need a moderator. Nuclear Reactors can provide electricity for entire cities.
Biological science has made great progress in the field of Nuclear Technology, using the Human Body as a sort of test tube for experimental drugs that can fight with deadly diseases such as Cancer. In the future, scientists hope to create a perfect virus that can destroy every disease but this will still need a primary scientist for testing. It also means that we may have to wait a very long time before we have a treatment for every disease. If you are interested in learning more about Nuclear Medicine, do some research on the internet, as it is a fascinating topic.
Another branch of Nuclear Technology that is on the rise is in the area of space exploration and water desalination. As more people are becoming interested in going to space, the way we collect water will become very important. There will be a great need for agriculture to feed the astronauts as well as plant life in remote areas. There is a possibility that water will also become scarce, thus bringing about a possible scarcity of electricity. Water will be necessary for supporting life on Mars and supplying water to the astronauts and plant life on the moon. These issues will be further researched by scientists in the coming years, but for now we can only wait and see how these new technologies play out in our world.