Submitting stories to tech news sites is an excellent way to get your story out there quickly. But, when you write an article for publication, it has to be of quality and presented properly. There’s also the personal consideration that most people are more likely to read what you’ve to say online instead of on the newspaper. But how do you do that?
Many people are unfamiliar with what technology news is. In short, it’s a written piece covering the latest developments in technology – usually related to technology. Some examples might be reviews of new gadgets, news on new software, or stories about new business ideas or new business opportunities. It can be about anything that falls under the field of technology.
You can find stories like these all over the internet and in many newspapers and magazines, but often, they’re not organized properly for publication. Often, they’re just listed from the title and the author’s name with a brief bio. That’s because when people are searching through thousands of online sources for business news and information, they don’t want to have to wade through dozens of different formats and sources just to find one story that meets their particular requirements. For example, if a publication was looking for a review of Facebook applications, they’d probably search using phrases like “social media,” “tech news,” “business news,” “tech articles,” “how to make money online,” “make money online,” and “internet marketing.” All of these search terms would bring up hundreds, maybe even thousands of articles in various formats.
What’s the best way to find the stories that are most interesting to you? Submit your own stories to tech news websites, as well as to the large social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. Both social media sites allow you to see the latest posts on your friend’s walls, read blog posts written by industry experts, and participate in live conversations. If you’re participating in discussions and reading blog posts written by experts, why not add tech tags such as #tech, #ios, and #gizmos to your social media accounts to show off your passion for the latest technology?
When it comes to submitting your news to blogs and web 2.0 news sites, keep your news short, to the point, and to the point. Don’t try to educate your readers, as that will take away from what the article is actually about. A good rule of thumb is to think of your article as an op-ed. Write it as if you were commenting on an interesting news story that was recently published in a major newspaper or magazine. Tech readers prefer to see breaking news in short bursts, rather than a long article filled with fluff.
Another way to keep your news short and sweet is to simply read it aloud. Read your news to yourself first, and then to a friend or family member who can keep track of what you’ve read. If you are using the twitter tag for your Facebook or twitter accounts, you can type your article title into your twitter search bar and read a summation of your article without having to cut and paste your way through your text. This may sound silly, but it makes your reader feel like you actually read every word when you read your news this way.
Instant publish tech sites
You may also want to make sure to read tech and business news on your favorite social media platform. This includes both Facebook and twitter, but especially Facebook. Look at the trends shared by people within your niche and follow the content on Facebook or follow the business news on twitter. You may find that one of these methods is better suited to your business than another. Just keep trying different approaches until you find something you enjoy reading.
Finally, be sure that you always check your grammar and spelling before submitting any articles to tech news websites and other online publications. This will help your readership, which will in turn translate into higher viewership and more clicks on your website or blog. When writing guest posts, always spell check the article. Proofread for spelling errors and grammatical errors. Your readers will forgive a single slip-up or misspelled word, but people who stumble across your articles will not look twice.