Cyber Crime has been on the rise ever since it was first conceptualised. This type of crime refers to activities that are carried out using the internet as an element for corrupt management, privacy violations and financial scams.
There are various methods by which Australia can successfully combat this current trend of cyber crimes. It is, therefore, imperative for every nation in the region to undertake effective measures to protect its citizens from these online hazards. Below is a brief description of Australia’s Cyber Crime Crisis and measures adopted to curb cyber crimes:
Australia’s Cyber Crime Crisis has reached epidemic proportions. Numerous reports have been released detailing the alarming instances of cyber criminals gaining access to computers and other electronic devices in public networks.
In one report, more than 200 Australian bank accounts were accessed without owners’ awareness or permission. Cyber criminals have also created fake e-mail addresses that are used to access banking systems.
Other instances include unauthorised access to state and federal offices, media and government agencies, private networks and computers at the Australia’s own Channel 9.
As mentioned earlier, Australia has been on a proactive stance towards combating cyber criminals. Several state and federal government agencies have worked diligently to implement preventative measures aimed at preventing such incidences from occurring.
Australia’s Department of Transport for example, has created a cyber awareness portal and published numerous articles on internet safety and general fraud prevention.
Similarly, several state government agencies have developed cyber awareness programs for businesses and consumers, including the National Cyber Security Centre.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission have also taken steps to implement stronger preventative measures.
In April last year, the Commission developed a cyber safety awareness program for large businesses. This program is designed to inform company managers about the latest attacks against business systems and the ways to minimize the risks posed by such attacks.
Similarly, the Department of Justice and Police Cyber Crime Branch has formulated a Cybercrime Working Group to coordinate national responses to cyber crimes. These groups are currently finalizing measures to strengthen Australia’s response to cyber crimes.

In response to Australia’s Cyber Crime Crisis, a number of US and international agencies and organisations have offered assistance to the country. Among these entities are the FBI, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Cybersecurity Agency and the United Kingdom’s National Fraud Intelligence Bureau.
They have offered technical assistance to Australian law enforcement authorities in dealing with cyber criminals. In fact, the US State Department recently stated that cyber espionage is one of the top priorities for the department.
In a June 29 press release, the department stated that it was assisting Australia in the fight against cyber crime.
Another major challenge for Australian law enforcement is how to deal with disorganised cyber criminals. Cyber criminals operate in diverse manners. Some operate only for a short time or emigrate to another country. Others may be more persistent and adept in their cyber crime schemes.
The task of law enforcement is therefore to make such cyber criminals more aware of the legal consequences of their actions. This can be done by law enforcement officials by tracking down those who may be involved in criminal activities via their computers.
Australia’s Cyber Crime Crisis has also seen a rise in the use of offshore jurisdictions for cyber activities. Cyber criminals have been able to acquire knowledge and skills from overseas sources that made them sophisticated enough to challenge even the most advanced security systems.
The lack of resources and training programs for law enforcement in Australia makes it difficult for them to combat this kind of crime on their own. International cooperation and training programs are therefore a must for the government to boost its capabilities in fighting cyber criminals.
Experts believe that Australia is well positioned to respond to this challenge and the country should do whatever is necessary to regain its strength in cyberspace