The Australian startup scene has exploded with tech startups, leaving the country’s cultural norms behind. In reality, the tech startup scene is taking over the entire world and Australia is right at the tip of the iceberg. It seems that Australia is ripe with innovation and potential as a world leader in the technology world. Australia is growing as one of the most progressive nations of the 21st century.
A cluster of entrepreneurial brains transformed Australia into what is known as the ‘biotech hub of the world.’ The reason for this is Australia has become home to some of the best research and development facilities and manufacturing capabilities in the world. Additionally, the Australian government has been instrumental in hosting a number of tech startups. These include some of the largest venture capital firms in the world, contributing to Australia’s ability to attract these and future tech startups by providing favorable tax and business environment conditions.
Australia is home to cutting-edge technologies in all sectors. With an entrepreneurial climate that encourages experimentation and renegade thinking, the Australian technology startups are creating innovative products and services to take their companies to new heights. Some of the sectors that are taking off in Australia are: health care, information technology, engineering, software, media, renewable energy, and the Internet. Each of these sectors have tons of untapped potential. This combined with a burgeoning entrepreneurial community and a desire for change and progress is putting Australia at the forefront of the new wave of global businesses.
Startup companies in Australia are growing by leaps and bounds. However, because they are still considered small and relatively new in comparison to other companies, the government continues to support them by insuring their growth. In fact, there have been official grants provided to support these ventures with government programs that are aimed at supporting their growth and development. These programs include direct financial assistance from the federal and state governments. The funding provided by both the government and private sector has resulted in amazing achievements by Australian startups.
In addition to the support that the government and private sector to provide, there are also many entrepreneurial programs initiated by local businesses to nurture the startup flame. One of the most prominent among these is the Smart Start program, which awards funds to local companies in key growth areas. As well, the South Australian regional economic framework focuses on supporting the development of IT and innovation industries. These efforts are aimed at supporting the creation of high-tech enterprises, as well as improving the quality of Australia’s economy.
The influx of international capital into Australian business is another reason why the country has seen a surge in its tech startups. As the country’s economy becomes more developed, more foreign investors will feel secure enough to invest in Australia, thus fueling the economy with much-needed cash. Moreover, Australia offers favorable tax rates, so businesses here are able to enjoy considerable strength even as they strive to expand. The government recently launched the Startup Technology Assistance Program (STAP) to further facilitate the financing and startup process for startups.
Another contributing factor to the rise of tech startups in Australia is the country’s stance on immigration. The government encourages the influx of skilled workers, as it hopes to foster an environment that’s conducive to entrepreneurial activity. As a result, the number of people heading to Australia for IT jobs is on the rise.
Startup Incubators
Start up Incubators in Australia are a relatively new way to help start up businesses get off the ground and they are proving to be very popular with both established businesses as well as those who have just started out. What is so appealing about the incubation model? Well, for one thing, it allows you to quickly bring an idea to market without having to invest a lot of money upfront. This is really a key feature for aspiring entrepreneurs since it makes it possible for you to skip the expensive and time-consuming process of looking for a partner, funding and operating a business from the ground up.
While there are a few start up incubators currently operating in Australia, there are very few full-service companies offering these services. Many of the existing companies simply offer seed funding or advice on how to get your business off the ground. While these programs do offer assistance with aspects of the business like marketing, sales, operations and technical issues, there are no formal certification or accreditation programs in place yet. Unfortunately this lack of structure has resulted in many start up companies simply using these programs as a platform to launch their business without giving it much attention.
Fortunately, there is a solution that will help you bypass this issue while still getting to launch your company. The programs offered by tech incubators in Australia, like Seedling Incubator, are designed specifically to provide companies with the support they need to get their ideas to market without having to spend years or decades getting it done from scratch. There are several key features of these programs that make them so attractive. First, most of them are designed to provide the support you need to get your business on the road to success quickly and in one piece.
Australian Startup Incubators and Accelerators
Sydney based
Sydney (and Melbourne) based hatchery
Sydney based
Sydney-based gas pedal program
Sydney based
Sydney based
Sydney based (opened in Melbourne as well)
Sydney based
Sydney based innovation business hatchery
Melbourne based
Melbourne based
Melbourne based
South Melbourne based
Brisbane based
Zeroed in on beginning phase tech new businesses
QUT Creative Enterprise Australia
Brisbane based
Brisbane/Perth based
Arising Technology and Smart City Focus
Brisbane Based
Perth-based startup hatchery and gas pedal
A Microsoft BizSpark network accomplice
Perth based
Spacecubed Intensify Scholarship
Perth babsed
Adelaide based
New Ventures Institute at Flinders University
Adelaide based
Hobart based
Growing global enconomy
Tech startups represent just one segment of the growing global economy. Still, if successful companies continue to pour into the country, the impact could prove highly beneficial for all. To that end, it’s critical for aspiring entrepreneurs in Australia to take advantage of the available resources to ensure that their ventures turn out well. That’s where they can turn to the assistance provided by Startup Business Incubators in Australia, which is one of the best incubators in the world.