Backlink Juice is Google’s definition of “the total number of inbound links to a website”. Google’s popularity rankings are largely determined by how many quality websites are linked back to your own. This makes Backlink Juice one of the most important aspects of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and online marketing. Creating backlinks to your websites is a great way to get ahead in the Search Engine Optimisation game. Backlinks are basically the physical or virtual way to deliver your web content to various other websites. SEO is a combination of many different factors such as keyword density, link building techniques, web content writing and so forth.
The amount of backlink juice that you can get from just one web page can make a major difference on your website’s ranking. Google looks at the websites ranking and how many inbound links are directed to that page. This is called Page Rank. Google also takes into consideration other important factors such as the page’s content, incoming links, back links and the keywords used to optimise that page. The higher the Page Rank, the more successful that particular site will be when competing with other sites in the same niche.

There is more to the story, however. Backlink Juice and Google’s SEO Ranking System have a little more to do with it than meets the eye. The higher your web page’s Page Rank, the more Google views your site as being relevant to that search term. The higher up in the Google juice tree you are, the more visitors you will draw from search engine results. This is basically how Google ranks your web page.
Google is all about link juice. You must learn to utilise the backlinking system within Google’s search engine optimisation to rank higher. In order to gain backing juice from high page authority websites, you have to work hard to gain their respect and trust.
The most important piece of the backlinking puzzle is to build back links from quality websites that are relevant to your topic. You want to target those webmasters that are using SEO as their main marketing strategy. They are the ones that will be viewing your page and clicking on your links in the search results. If they see that you are providing valuable information they will most likely click your links. Google also uses internal SEO tools that allow them to see the type of links that a particular webmaster is using to get them to rank higher. The more relevant the links are the better they will rank higher in the search results.
This is why it is so important that you build backlinks from credible websites. These webmasters understand that Google places a lot of value into backlinks and they will try to help you out as much as possible. The best way to do this is by offering to publish one or more articles on their site if they will rank them well in Google for a specific keyword. If you offer to publish an article and they agree, this is the type of site that you want to get your backlink from because it is very likely that they will do the same in return.
You also need to remember to rank well in Google for the specific keyword phrase that you want your readers to rank for. Google ranks pages on the basis of a wide array of factors. One of the most important ones is how many other webmasters have ranked that keyword phrase. If there are a lot of other sites ranking for it than yours, it is more than likely that your page will rank high too. This is why you need to join a large number of other sites that are ranking well for the same keyword phrase.
So don’t waste any time. Spend the necessary time building backlinks from high quality sources. After all it is important that you not only get people to click on your links but also to get them to join in your forum discussions or comment on your blog posts. Building juice like Google is all about building relationships and ensuring that you build the correct one. The more trust that you are able to build through a combination of link building and commenting on blogs and websites then the more likely you are to climb the ranks of the Google search engine in the long run.
Article Submission Sites
Article submission sites are in a constant fight to gain backlinks that produce high quality backlinks for their Web 2.0 properties. Backlinks are critical for Search Engine Optimisation and the majority of SEO experts will tell you that backlinks play a key role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The number of backlinks a Web 2.0 property receives will greatly effect the ranking that a Web 2.0 property receives. With a high quality backlink network, a higher ranking will translate into more traffic and sales. So what are some good strategies to obtain high quality backlinks?
First, article submission sites should only contain well written content. If an article submission site has low quality content, it will have a hard time attracting backlinks of any kind. You want to post high quality content on a regular basis and allow the article to be syndicated throughout the Internet. When the content on the site becomes stale or reads poorly, it will have a difficult time gaining high quality backlinks. This is why high quality and original content are so important.
Article submission sites that lack original content will also be unsuccessful at gaining backlinks. In order to acquire backlinks of any kind, you need to provide quality and original content. In addition to this, you need to engage your readers and convince them to click on your backlink. If you just give your reader the information they want without making it relevant to them, you won’t get any click throughs. If you want to generate backlink juice with this strategy, you have to provide your readers with a real tip or information that they can use in their own lives.
It goes without saying that when promoting your website online you must make sure that your backlinks are directed at your specific website. There are many link building strategies on the Internet that do not work very well. If your backlinks are all located on unrelated websites, you will not receive any traffic. Many Internet marketers who are brand loyal to one particular industry will spend thousands of dollars on link building strategies. However, they will never see the desired results because all of their efforts are wasted.
The best backlink building strategies are those that utilise anchor text links. When you utilize anchor text links within your backlink, people have a much better chance of taking the link to their website. This is because the anchor text will be descriptive of your site. In other words, if you sell products, your backlinks will be directed towards your product’s category. When you have numerous second tier backlinks to your website, your rankings will rise in the search engines.
The more backlinks you have to your website, the better the chances are for you to gain a high page rank. To accomplish this task, it is essential that you create as many quality backlinks as possible. It is essential that your backlinks are placed onto relevant websites that have a large amount of traffic.
Search engines will also look at how many times your backlink is clicked on. The more times your backlink is clicked on, the more times that your backlink will be counted towards your website’s page rank. The more relevant the sites are, the higher the chances that your backlinks will be counted towards your page rank. Having a large number of relevant backlinks will ensure that search engines will rank you in the top ten for your niche.
Second Tier Backlinks
When you have a high number of second tier backlinks, you can expect your website to gain popularity quickly. When you have a large number of back links, your website will be recognised as relevant for your niche. People searching for information about your niche will click on the backlinks provided by your backlink. You should also focus on building backlinks in the same category as your website so that search engines will recognise the backlinks as coming from the right sources. Although when building second tier links don’t actually point directly to your website they still have an excellent impact on your search engine rankings. Never underestimate the power of a relevant second tier link. In fact, this is one of the number one link building strategies producing great results and often neglected.
Internal Website Link Building
Internal website linking is crucial for SEO practices. This is because a user first sees a web page and immediately clicks out to another site based on its relevance. More user retention is also a major factor. Moreover, it helps the visitor to visit another site and stay on your site, thereby increasing the likelihood of a returning customer. Thus, internal linking increases the chances of a search engine to give your site higher rankings.
Internal linking, when used properly, can be of great benefit in your SEO campaign. This strategy can help you increase the rank of your pages and make them more attractive to people’s search engines. There are many ways to do this, such as using relevant keywords in the meta tags of each page of your site. Also, when writing your main keyword in the meta description, be sure to use one to two times in the description text rather than using the whole phrase.
You will need to have a website that is relevant to the topic. For instance, if you want people to search for “sales” in your industry, you should target a keyword in the keyword list of your site. Place the keyword in the title, in the headers, in the description, and in the subheadings. Then, put a link to that page in the footer. The goal is to increase the number of links which direct people to your site, so that Google can find your page more frequently when a user performs a search using the keywords you used.

Internal website linking works in two different ways. The first is through on-page optimisation techniques. For instance, the meta tag for your keyword phrase should be contained in every HTML page. Furthermore, your header tags should contain a descriptive Meta keyword phrase. These on-page SEO techniques, while not as important as internal linking strategies, are still beneficial because they increase the overall value of your site.
The second way is through social media. Each page on your site should have a profile area for your targeted audience. In order to encourage users to connect with you through social media, you should create profiles for every page, and post relevant content to them. Additionally, every page should be linked to a blog and every blog should link back to your site. The goal is to make your site more visible to your targeted audience. As social media is becoming more popular, there are many ways to leverage it.
Every page should have a visible Google map, and every page should include a descriptive description. Finally, do not forget to include links to your social media profiles. Internal linking strategies, while not as powerful as search engines, are still essential for online directories and Google.
Eithical Link Building

If you’re new to Internet marketing or a seasoned marketer who’s lost count of the number of links you need to get the results you want, then you may have been hearing about ethical link building. Link building practices that aren’t based on ethical standards are, quite frankly, bizarre. Yet they continue to be used by many marketers. Here are a few things to keep in mind when linking to sites with questionable content:
If it’s not helping you do your own SEO, it’s probably not helping anyone else either. Perhaps you might be tempted to just take the easy route of black hat SEO and spamming. However, in the long run, it won’t be a sustainable approach to conducting an online business.
Link Spam
Link spam can result in Google penalties and loss of rankings. That’s why many business owners opt for white hat SEO techniques. It’s simply less damaging to Google and your own website. The first Google penalties that we covered dealt with links pointing to adult websites. While these penalties are still in place, the penalties for spam are no longer as severe.
Quality Content
Google wants quality content, relevant links and a site that’s going to help someone find what she needs. That’s why you still see spam warnings and penalties for spamming when it comes to seo. That’s why white hat SEO techniques are still used and are still as effective as ever. White hat techniques still get you results, but they don’t cause the same level of penalty as the black hat strategies do.
Ethical links
Now let’s get back to ethical link building and SEO. In this case it’s completely ethical to have outbound links or to even ask other websites for links back to your site. As long as you follow the guidelines of any search engine and of course don’t spam, you will be fine. You might actually benefit from unethical linking in some situations.
For example, there’s a spot on the Internet where all websites with a certain amount of backlinks almost appear equal. If you can find this spot and place your link there, it’s not unethical linking but rather giving other publishers their backs to promote content to their sites. However, this isn’t the case with most authority sites. When it comes to link-building at these authoritative sites, you must do so with care. Because the rules of those authority sites are stricter, you really need to be careful when using unethical linking.