The Oxford dictionary defines the word “Technology” as: “The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry”.
As per the Collins Dictionary the word “Technology” refers to “methods, systems and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes”.
What exactly is technology and what is it good for?
These are two questions that have occupied minds for decades and years. The reason for the inquiry is that nothing will ever be able to describe how something is constructed or how it came into existence without having to specify what technology was used in its construction. The meaning of technology is also not fixed since one can modify the definition according to their desires. It has become rather vague and this is why many people still cannot answer these questions with a straight answer.
Collins & Oxford Dictionary
What is technology then?
It is a collection of knowledge and skills concerning the creation, development, management, operation, maintenance, reuse, preservation, design, and ownership of technology.
Technology is a means to an end, which is to create knowledge and skills to be used to accomplish practical ends such as communication, education, entertainment, health care, technical advances, and business.
It is also used to describe the systems, principles, and practices that enable people to use information and technology to their advantage.
Technology is then used for improving human knowledge and skills regarding all aspects of life through the use of practical applications, such as engineering, medical, scientific, technological, software, and other forms of specialised knowledge.
One could also say that what is technology is a set of human activities and technological systems that support these activities.
Let’s take a look at 30 different types of technology used around the world today.

1. Entertainment Technology
Entertainment technology is the field of utilising various made or manufactured parts to improve or create the possibility of any type of entertainment activity. This includes amusement and games, like video games, television shows, etc.
There are people who are engaged in manufacturing, selling, designing, creating or using such things and services for providing better entertainment experiences.
The scope of amusement technology covers every field of human endeavor including cinema, music, literature, etc., that provide people a chance to unwind.
These days, education, science and technology sectors are experiencing rapid growth due to high demand in the industry. Various schools, colleges and universities are offering courses related to entertainment technology that is being regarded as an ideal career option by many.
In addition, there are also various industries and business entities that have established associations with various educational institutions and universities to prepare students for a long and successful career in this field.
As a result, there has been an immense improvement in the quality of the job market for people engaged in the entertainment technology industry. This has led to increased competition among the people engaged in this industry.
This type of technology includes:
- Interactive environments
- Computer simulations
- Automation
- Scenery fabrication
- Animations
- Sounds
- Show control
- Videos
- Costumes
- Lighting devices
- High dynamic range
- Augmented reality
- Animatronics
- Audio Visual
- Virtual reality
Entertainment technology programs offered by colleges and universities are of two types – the one that involves teaching students about the various technical and creative details of an industry such as computer, games or film making, while the other provides students with practical hands-on training in an area of interest to them.
Since the nature of work in this field varies from one industry to another, the curriculum of any such program needs to be highly customized to prepare students for their future careers.
This is where the involvement of educational institutions and specialised technical organisations can make a huge difference in the curriculum. Therefore, it is advisable to contact a suitable Educational Consultant specialising in Entertainment Technology programs to get a proper direction and help to prepare students properly for their future careers in this highly competitive industry.
2. Operational Technology
What is operational technology?
Operational Technology is the science of measurement, control, detection, and diagnostics of systems, machines, people and events within an organisation. Operations research is the scientific study of how various systems interact with one another. The science of operations can also be applied to human behavior.
Operational technology consists of various components including computer systems, optical devices, electronics and electrical engineering.
It also involves the application of mathematical principles to design and develop systems for particular industrial processes.
One of the most important areas of operational technology is electronic devices because they directly affect the way that we do business today.
Operational technology is used in all areas of manufacturing and other aspects of the economy. For example, an airline uses flight data from instruments in order to provide more efficient services, weather and climate information is a key factor in business, and an airplane’s safety is determined by operational technology designed to detect potential hazards.
Operational technology can be applied to all of these areas and more. Some operational technology systems include
- Computerized Safety Distribution
- Computerized Access Control
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Financial Accounting
- Manufacturing automation
- Real Time Information Management (RIM)
- Real Time Strategy
- Supply Chain Management
- Wireless Information Technology
- Work Force Development
- Vehicle Management
- Workplace Communication.
3. Assistive Technology
What is Assistive Technology?
Technological system that improves the way a person does things, such as: movement, ambulation, turning or other physical motion, bathing, eating, or climbing stairs.
The devices used may be: A mechanical device such as crutches, walkers, canes, wheelchairs, stair lifts, artificial limbs, or an artificial arm, hand or leg to describe a certain application. In other words, Aids are products or systems that improve an individual’s ability to do things on their own at home or in their community.
How do these assistive technologies to help individuals with disabilities? The most popular use of assistive technology is for mobility.
Mobility devices allow people who might have limitations to move around safely and independently. Mobility devices may include mobility chairs, wheelchairs, walkers, cane, scooter, or other devices to describe the application. Some other more specific uses include: bathing and eating, climbing, turning or other physical motion, bathing and eating, moving around and opening and closing doors.
Can I get one of my own? Many community organisations, colleges, and universities offer programs and classes where students gain hands-on experience with different types of Aids.
Students also learn how to identify and demonstrate their unique needs, and work with a professional to find the right equipment for their particular needs. Aids are also available in stores that sell personal care products, such as creams and lotions, hearing aids, and contact lenses.
4. Agriculture Technology
What is Agriculture Technology?
Today agriculture regularly makes use of Agriculture Of Technology like temperature and moisture alarms, different kind of machines, instruments, cameras, airborne imaging, and GPS technologies.
The Agriculture industry is highly diversified and it requires extensive use of modern tools and machinery. Agriculture technology is related to the production of food, feed, feed stock, livestock, fruits, vegetables, etc.
Agriculture technology deals with the management, handling, storage and distribution of agricultural products like grains, dairy, beef, poultry, sugarcane, etc.
Modern Agriculture Technology has become an important part of agricultural production and processing and supports the productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural industry in the international market.
Agriculture of Technology consists of the application of science and technology towards the improvement of agricultural production and commercialization. Agriculture of Technology deals with the management, handling, storing and distribution of agricultural products such as crops, foodstuffs, dairy, meat, etc.
Agriculture of Technology has contributed largely to the development of modern farming and to increase the agricultural productivity in a very short span of time.
With the use of advanced Agriculture Of Technology the processing of agricultural feeds can be made very cost effective and more crops can be produced in the same area at a lower cost.
This reduced need for fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides has made farming easier and profitable. Agriculture of Technology has given a new meaning to the modern Agriculture and has made it more productive and marketable.
5. Superintelligence
What is Super Intelligence, you might ask?
It is the ability to use artificial intelligence for betterment in all aspects of life and human beings are really benefitting from this breakthrough.
I am sure there has been lots of debate about what is Super Intelligence and it has many different answers but in essence it is a way to utilize computers for helping humans in every walk of life and we are already benefiting from that.
Now human beings are not completely dependent on computers but it seems as if they will be in the near future; humans will have better decision making abilities because they will be able to think faster and make better decisions based on the actual intelligence of their brains versus a computer.
Many fear that artificial intelligence will replace human beings and this may be true in the near future but it is not right to scare anyone.
Nowadays humans need help just like the pilots in flight need humans to help them fly airplanes and robots are helping mankind in factory jobs as well as all types of industries. Super Intelligence technology is actually not a robot or a computer system, it is simply a tool that can be used by a human being to achieve certain goals that cannot be done by any human.
Humans will no longer need to be brawny or have an artificial intelligence system but they will be a blend between the two. This will create a new human being that will have both brawny capabilities and artificial intelligence.
We live in a time where everything is changing and we must adapt or die. We must now figure out how to live and work in a world that is going digital and our jobs will not be automated but have new meaning.
Super Intelligence is not just a tool for the future it is actually something that is already happening today and human beings are going to benefit greatly from it. We will no longer be dependent on other human beings and we will now have control over every decision that we make in life. We will be able to solve problems with artificial intelligence and plan for the future accordingly.
6. Robotics Technology
What is Robotics Technology?
Robotics Technology is an interdisciplinary discipline of science and technology combining mathematics and science to develop machines, technology, and software to make intelligent robots.
This branch of science has great promise in the field of Artificial Intelligence, and considering that we will soon have advanced computer systems which can do everything from diagnosing a patient to designing and manufacturing materials, it is only a matter of time until robotics technology encompasses almost everything.
With advances being made in the computer field every day, it only makes sense to apply the same research principles in order to advance the field of Robotics Technology.
There are four separate branches of robotics technology.
- Articulated Robots. (An articulated robot is a type of robot that first comes to mind when many people think about robots.)
- SCARA Robots.
- Cartesian Robots.
- Delta Robots.
Systems, which use one or more interacting machines to complete a task; Human-computer interaction, which involves indirect human input to a computer system; Computer numerical control, which uses computer numerical control to control a robotic system; and Robotic systems, which specifically deals with tasks.
In order to take full advantage of the advances made in these different branches, you must be able to understand and translate the principles used by each branch into your own specific project.
Each branch also has many applications in today’s industrial and scientific fields, such as computer numerical control, and robot controls used for tasks.
Because of the variety of applications, specialists who specialize in the areas of these different branches are extremely important to a company looking to utilize robotic technology in their operations.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of robotics technology is the field of Medical Robotics. The Medical industry is revolutionizing day by day, because in the past we were unable to completely diagnose and treat disease, until it had reached an advanced stage.
This means that treating diseases at an early stage is much more successful than treating them once they have reached an advanced stage.
Due to the sophistication of modern robots, medical industry specialists can diagnose diseases and prescribe the proper treatments for these diseases, which makes robotic assistance very valuable for the medical industry.
7. Artificial Intelligence
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with the study and design of artificially intelligent systems.
Artificial intelligence deals with the way an artificial system behaves, as opposed to how it responds to real-life situations. Unlike the human and animal intelligence, artificial intelligence exhibits emotionality and consciousness, whereas the latter exhibits behavior that is based on a machine or program controlling it.
The difference between the two types of intelligence can be illustrated by the commonly used term ‘artificial intelligence’ itself.
Artificial intelligence researchers are continuously looking for new ways to improve AI, especially as concerns about machine learning extend to applications outside of computer science. As more industries look to automation for increased efficiency, concerns about artificial intelligence are also increasing.
Concerns about AI have led to increased interest in computer security, software patents, and other areas of research. As artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in everyday life, experts will continue to look at these different concepts and how they affect society.
Artificial intelligence has the ability to make decisions based on patterns and learned behavior, and can utilize previously programmed rules to perform everyday tasks. It has already revolutionized many areas of science, including medicine, transportation, and manufacturing.
In recent years, experts have begun to study the effect of artificial intelligence on society at large, particularly the impact it will have on future artificially intelligent machines.
Some researchers worry about the future rights of individuals to control the actions of such machines, while others are concerned about the future of business and job automation.
8. Space Technology
What is space technology?
Space technology is an expansive field which employs a number of eminent scientists to fill its innumerable requirements. It also helps in space exploration and space station construction. Above all space technology saves many human lives in the future and even saves millions of lives so far.
Many students get admission to various space related institutions so as to learn more about the technology.
The space technology includes the technology like GPS systems, radio and imaging systems, telescopes etc. This branch of space science is gaining popularity gradually.
Many students get admission to various colleges for furthering their education in this regard. There are many advantages of getting admission into a space-related institution.
If you have any qualms or doubts regarding your interest in space technology then you can join any one of the courses offered in this subject.
The basic qualification required for getting admission in such courses is a bachelor’s degree. Some of the common courses available are astronautical engineering, astronautical flight procedures, space mechanics, space technology, astronomy, and plasma physics.
If you want to work in a space center then you can opt for astronautical positions. As per the present situation there is a huge requirement for skilled manpower in the aerospace industry, which can be fulfilled by taking up these courses.
10 of the Greatest Space Technologies of the Twenty-First Century
- Cassini-Huygens Probe.
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
- Hubble Space Telescope | NASA.
- Hubble Space Telescope.
- Kepler Spacecraft.
- WISE and NeoWISE Probe.
- Curiosity.
- SELENE Lunar Orbiter.
- SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket
- International Space Station
9. Information Technology
What is Information Technology? AKA (IT)
Information Technology, also known as Information Technology, is the use of computers and related equipment to collect, retrieve, organise or transmit data. Information technology is usually employed in the context of business functions rather than for personal or entertainment purposes.
IT is still considered a subset of communications and information technology. It refers to any technologies designed to make information more useful, such as email, instant messaging, desktop publishing applications, spreadsheets, multimedia, web page design, music, videos, and more.
The I.T industry, including computer software, engineering services, network and storage systems, information technology support, networking products, and peripherals, constitutes the majority of the global economy. Knowledge about, and use of, I.T technologies is increasing with the pace of technology and globalization.
As information technology is becoming a vital part of our lives, job requirements for information technology professionals will continue to grow.
Generally, those with a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems or computer engineering may choose to train for positions that involve designing, creating, implementing, supporting, or maintenance of computer systems.
Higher positions require a higher level of expertise and increased responsibility. Positions such as a system engineer, a software engineer, a network administrator, a security analyst, a computer systems manager, or a computer information systems technician may require additional training after obtaining their bachelor’s degrees.
A master’s degree will be especially helpful if you hope to become a professional software engineer, as most major employers favor candidates with a master’s degree.
Examples of information technology
- Telephone and radio equipment.
- Video conferencing equipment.
- Personal computers.
- Performance management software for managing goal setting and performance review.
- Content management software for blogging and collaboration.
- Computer Servers
- Computer Networks
- Web Hosting
- Databases
- Word Processing
- Internet
10. Business Technology
What is Business Technology? This is a question often asked by Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Scientists.
To answer this question we need to look more deeply into what exactly are Business Technology, what are the drivers behind it, and how does it affect the economic structure of the companies that use it.
Business Technology is simply the application of science and technology to business activities. There are many areas of Business Technology that can be listed under such things as Digital Marketing, Data Management, Engineering and Science, Information Technology, Healthcare, and more.
The current economic model is based around information technology so that is naturally where Business Technology focuses.
We live in a world that is experiencing a dramatic change in almost every aspect of daily life. It seems that there is always something else going on, which requires information technology management (ITM).
Some of the changes that have been noted in recent years have been: Digitalization, Mobile computing, Social Media, Video Games, and more.
If you think about what is happening in these areas of Business Technology and how they are impacting businesses, you will see that the need for information technology management is inevitable.
The need for an information technology manager, or ITM, arises when a business must take their business technology and how they use it to a different level.
For example: Digital Marketing, data management, Enterprise Application Hosting, E-commerce presence, user experience design, and web based applications.
This new focus is brought about by changing business models and the need for a comprehensive, integrated system for businesses that are experiencing those changes. What are Business Technology and why is it necessary to help companies realize their full IT capabilities.
Here are some of the basic and most common types of business technology.
- Computers.
- Software.
- Inventory Control System.
- Networking.
- Telephone Communication.
- Accounting Systems
11. Educational Technology
What is Educational Technology?
A systematic approach to all the resources and systems of education, including computer-based teaching and learning systems, educational technology, or EdTech. It refers to the multiple demands of people, adjusting technological solutions to academic teaching and on the measurement of student academic progress. It is used for enhancing the quality of education, making it relevant and interesting to students.
Educational Technology is an important resource and application of information technology that affect education in a positive manner.
The scope of EDtech is huge, ranging from traditional learning methods like print and visual media, to more current systems such as interactive learning tools, digital audio-visual systems and online learning. Educational Technology has contributed significantly to the fields of education and research.
It is used for collecting, organizing, storing, disseminating, transmitting, aiding, and encouraging the education and knowledge of persons. Educational technology is generally used to give children and teachers the capability to learn faster, perform better, be able to access more, and have a richer experience in learning.
The main goal of EDtech is to enhance learning processes. Educational technology helps in the creation of learning processes, and it includes the learning procedures, instructional materials, instructional practices and strategies, and other technological tools.
There is a vast area of application of educational technology. It is very much necessary in the teaching and learning processes of the different subjects.
12. Architecture Technology
What is Architecture Technology?
Architecture technology is an exciting new venue in the field of Architectural Engineering. A lot of us have seen movies, read books, and even seen some architectural exhibits without ever having a clue about what exactly is happening in the space where they are standing.
What are Architecture Technology and how can you use it to your benefit?
Well let’s explore the answer together and discover how architects are using architectural technology to create amazing and cutting-edge designs and structures that will be transforming our homes, office spaces and public spaces for decades to come.
The first part of what is Architecture Technology is the Planning Process. Designing a structure or a building or any piece of architecture really starts with an idea.
This idea is brought to life through Conceptualization, which is a combination of drawing and modeling, and then conceptualization, which is then made into a full-fledged design by designers and/or developers working in a team environment.
Next the design is tested by trying it out in reality through simulations and/or tried and tested in the real-world through real-life applications and/or fieldwork.
Finally, a physical model is created by a third party to validate the design and get feedback from clients and/or other architects about the performance of the model. If it is deemed suitable, the model is then implemented as a fully functioning, complete structure.
In order to make full use of what is Architecture Technology, architects need to know how to save ideas as they develop them.
A very good way to save ideas is to record everything that is being said throughout the entire design process.
Once an Architectural Design is finalized and implemented, it should be able to serve as a living, breathing document that can and should be used, modified and improved upon for decades to come.
Eight different types of architects utilising technology
- Commercial Architect.
- Residential Architect.
- Conservation Architect.
- Sustainable / Green Design Architect.
- Industrial Architect.
- Interior Architect.
- Landscape Architect.
- Urban Designer.
13. Medical Technology
What is Medical Technology?
This is a frequently asked question among persons interested in the latest advancements in medical science.
As technology advances and develops so does the need for trained personnel to maintain such advancements.
The answer to this question will determine the type of future medical professionals will face. Technological developments have also created more efficient ways of doing things that render previously complex processes less complicated and require fewer healthcare workers to perform.
Medical technologies refer to medical products and techniques utilized in health care.
Medical products and techniques directly related to health care include
- Diagnostic imaging
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Biometrics
- Therapeutic devices
- Surgical methods
- Patient preparation
- Clinical diagnostics
- Laboratory analysis
- Robotic surgery
And other surgical methods; equipment; and therapeutic medical products.
These products and techniques play an important role in providing patients with improved quality of life. One can think of medical technologies as an immense way of sharing ideas and experience regarding health care products to help make the lives of patients better, easier, and safer.
The focus of medical technologies is to provide superior service, highest quality products, and outstanding customer service.
In order to be in the forefront of medical technology advancements and to preserve the very nature of patient care, healthcare professionals must always remain up-to-date on new scientific discoveries and technology trends.
Technological developments must also be accompanied by stringent regulatory guidelines to protect both the healthcare professionals who implement these new methods and products, and the patients who use them.
Scientific societies must also play a leading role in educating the public about the value of improving healthcare systems through the implementation of new medical technologies.
Medical technology has the potential to create significant changes in how medical facilities and healthcare professionals handle routine and emergency conditions that affect large numbers of people. The impact of such advances can positively influence public safety and health.
Here are 10 groundbreaking medical technologies
- Virtual reality diagnosis.
- ImpediMed’s help for cancer patients.
- Robo-doc.
- Real-time food scanners.
- Augmented reality.
- Organ bioprinting.
- Immediate test results. …
- Handheld ultrasound.
- Electronic Healh Records
- Telehealth
14. Product And Food Technology
What are Products and Food Technology?
A Food Product Technology expert might be asked to help design new manufacturing processes for a business. He or she might also be asked to work out the logistics of putting a new system into place in the plant.
Whatever his or her area of expertise, a good food technologist will have an idea of what is going on in the manufacturing process as well as what to anticipate as the system becomes more automated.
In fact, good food product technologists-even those who don’t work in the plant for a whole bunch of different reasons-often are consulted on how to improve manufacturing processes in various businesses that they know about.
Good food technology specialists are good at coming up with new ways to increase efficiencies while cutting costs in many different areas.
Some of these technologists might also be involved in the production of packaging and labelling equipment for instance. But the specialization in food technology usually refers not to equipment but to the way that the product is manufactured.
Many food product technologists are used by the big manufacturers, so they are pretty much familiar with the types of machinery and processes that the company uses.
It may sound like an interesting field, but being a product technologist is very different from working in the “real world” as a machinist, carpenter or other type of construction worker.
You can learn a lot about how a particular machine or process works by watching one or two demos, but you can’t really do it by trying it yourself. So don’t expect to become a great product technologist without some experience in the field.
There are plenty of job opportunities for competent food technologists online, so if you are looking for a career change check out some of the job listings that you can find in your local area.
15. Construction Technology
What is contstruction technology?
Construction technology is a broad term denoting the science and art of constructing mechanical, infrastructural, or other types of structures, and derives from Latin buildere, meaning “to construct”.
To build is also the verb: to build, and the word used is construction: the physical aspect of a structure, the manner in which it is built. In modern usage, it has come to refer to the ability to build, without a great amount of skill, by using advanced technology.
As a consequence, if you are wondering what is construction technology, you might want to think of it as the combination of computer software, knowledge of how various technologies work, and perhaps some manual dexterity.
There are numerous aspects of the construction technology discipline, including contract realisation, which refers to utilising technology to create legal documents, such as contracts, payment mechanisms, or other forms that facilitate transactions between individuals.
Another important aspect is that it is also possible to use contract realisation to create legal documents utilising block chain technology, which is basically a way in which multiple different parties can have a discussion about a particular transaction while keeping tabs on all the transaction details.
Real-time project management is related to the scheduling and budgeting aspects of a project. Furthermore, this aspect also applies to the engineering aspect of construction technology, for example, it refers to the integration of engineering designs with actual case studies.
A successful project requires the collaboration of several parties, including contractors, subcontractors, site planners, engineers, and others.
This is made possible by the green technology component of construction technology, for example, the use of solar panels for electricity generation, or the use of wind turbines for generator power.
There are many more technologies, for example, geotechnical drilling, soil testing, geothermal energy, water technology, etc. But in short, green technology in the construction industry refers to methods that have direct applications in the creation of construction sites.
16. Communication Technology
What is Communication Technology? By definition, ICT refers to combinations of Communication Technology and Information Technology.
According to the Encyclopedia of Computer Science, Information Communication Technology is an imprecise phrase often used to describe broad fields of research and technological activities related to the use of computer systems and networks for information exchange, management, and training.
Communication Technology can be used in many different ways. In its most basic form, ICT refers to the transmission of information over a non-public network such as an intranet, the Internet, or other such system.
Today, ICT has grown into a much broader field, encompassing such concepts as e-commerce, digital signage, automated services, Internet marketing, software engineering, telematics, digital content, video imaging and voice communications.
The rapid growth and development of information technology have given rise to new business concepts like Web Marketing, Web Application, Software Development, Customer Relationship Management, Website Enhancement and Website Networking. All of these are designed to improve on the existing technologies, while also offering solutions that will help create new business opportunities.
It is important to remember that the ICT industry is growing just as fast as other industries, and as such many ICT professionals are looking for job openings that do not require the completion of a four-year degree program.
The Internet and its many subtopics offer many interesting and unique opportunities for young people who are interested in learning more about ICT.
As the number of young people pursuing ICT jobs increases, the demand for experienced ICT professionals will increase as well. These professionals have the skills, knowledge and expertise required to help businesses implement and utilize ICT technologies effectively.
17. Aerospace Technology
What is Aerospace Technology?
This is a very important question as we become more dependent on technologies that rely on space flight, and aerospace engineering, which involves the design of planes, capsules, and even vehicles to take people and materials into space.
Indeed, many aerospace engineers have developed a lot of very innovative and practical ways to use space technology for their own benefit and the benefit of mankind in space, such as using carbon composites for airframes and fuel cells for space shuttles, as well as developing better, more efficient wings for both airplanes and spacecraft. Therefore, while there are many potential applications for this growing field, not all of these innovative ways to use this technology are likely to be adopted, even by those who specialize in aerospace engineering.
While some may still be confused about what this field actually is, the term was formally introduced by NASA in 1958.
The reason for this was so that the United States could develop space vehicles which would not rely on Russian designs, as some of these designs were not very reliable or had serious issues. Therefore, aerospace engineering became a branch of space science, with an emphasis on creating vehicles that could not only function well in orbit, but one could also use them for research, travel, and even military purposes.
18. Blockchain Technology
What is blockchain technology?
By allowing information to be encrypted but not compromised, blockchain technology created the foundation for a new class of web-based monetary system called Blockchains. In its most basic form, Blockchains networks of ledgers or other virtual data storage that can be shared and updated by users.
Initially invented for the digital asset, BitUSD, the technology has now been used to create applications for everything from social media sites to online stock exchanges.
The latest and greatest innovation out of this group is what is termed as the Blockchains. By unifying the functionality of various previous technologies, blockchain technology has opened up entirely new doors for anyone who wishes to create an Internet application.
One of the main purposes of the Blockchain technology is to allow people to have a central place to store, manage and secure their own private transaction ledger.
Transactions are instant and can be altered immediately after they happen. Also, due to the increased speed in which the transactions occur, the average transaction time is much less than it was in the past. Because the blockchains are open to everyone who wants to participate, anyone can create an internet application that allows users to transfer money and other value over the internet.
The three Different types of blockchain technology include.
1. Public blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum
2. Private blockchains such as Hyperledger and R3 Corda
3. Hybrid blockchains like Dragonchain
19. Hospitality Technology
What is hospitality technology?
This is the use of technological infrastructure, such as applications, networking, software, and telematics to facilitate client interactions in the hospitality industry. It includes all the equipment and infrastructures required by client service centers to implement and support clientele needs, ranging from reservations and accounting to reservation-holding and reservation-filling.
Although hospitality technology is rapidly becoming an inevitable component of today’s service delivery model, hospitality businesses are slowly beginning to adopt technology as a platform for improving efficiency, reducing costs, improving quality, and expanding their reach.
A good example of technology being adopted by the hospitality industry is the introduction of the multi-lingual booking engine, also referred to as the duet engine.
Duetto is a web-based online booking engine that incorporates the core elements of the traditional booking engine, while simultaneously providing additional functionality for both Spanish and non-Spanish speaking clients. Duetto is designed to seamlessly integrate with other web-based technologies, such as Google Maps, Basecamp Live, Twitter, and Buffer.
In essence, it aims to offer a unique offering within the hospitality industry that combines the power of on-site agents and ecommerce functionality, while making everything accessible from any device.
Hospitality technology is also beneficial to hospitality operators who want to ensure that they are better positioned to take advantage of technology – whether on-premise or off-line.
Off-line solutions can help reduce inventory-related costs, which in turn allows for greater operational flexibility.
On-premise software solutions provide greater visibility into the clientele, allowing for improved client relationship management.
20. Biotechnology
Biotechnology is the use of living organisms to create products. Bread baking, for example, is a form of biotechnology – the use of yeast.
Biotechnology is a technology based on biology. Biotechnology uses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of our planet.
We have used the biological processes of microorganisms for over 6,000 years to produce healthy foods such as bread and cheese and to preserve dairy products.
Traditionally, biotechnology would use organisms as they are. But with the introduction of genetic engineering, the DNA of the microbes used is manipulated as needed.
Biotechnology today includes areas such as biochemistry and genetics. Every year, biotechnology produces many kinds of advances, such as in medicines and therapies and even in biofuels.
21. Forensic Science Technology.
Forensic science technology is a growing area of study. The field is an important component of criminal justice. Currently, fingerprint analysis and DNA profiling are the two most common technologies used for investigation.
The DNA is the genetic code found in every cell of our body, and is unique to each individual. By matching DNA samples to the database of all citizens, these technologies can identify the real criminal. With DNA, police can use this information to track down the offender and prosecute them accordingly.
22. Vehicle Technology
Vehicle technology can be defined as vehicle development. Improvements to internal combustion engines in cars, aircraft upgrades – all this is a form of vehicle technology.
Improving efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions while maintaining or increasing comfort is the technology of the vehicle.
Another form of automotive technology is the multiple safety features built into cars. Laser cruise control, collision avoidance systems, parking sensors, rear-view cameras, 360-degree camera systems and everything in the line of strike “stops you from bumping into things” is the technology of the vehicle.
Vehicle technology aims to improve these means of travel by making them safer and more comfortable to travel.
23. Environmental Technology
Environmental technology is the use of science, knowledge and various forms of technology to improve the environment and our ecosystem.
This category of technologies includes the necessary knowledge and devices that control and conserve natural resources.
Environmental technologies are also being used to try and negate the negative effects of human activity on the planet.
Environmental technology is also a term for sustainable energy. Wind turbines, photovoltaics are categories under environmental technology. Other forms of this technology are water, air and wastewater purification processes.
24. 3D Printing Technology
3D printing technology is the process of “printing” an object in three dimensions, layer by layer. In the most common form of 3D printing, a design first created in CAD software is entered into a printer, which then creates an object.
The main advantage of 3D printing is that it can be used to create objects with “basic structures” such as a truss, which are nearly impossible to make by hand.
In the 1980s, 3D printing techniques were considered suitable only for the production of functional or aesthetic prototypes, and a more appropriate term for it at the time was rapid prototyping
25. Sports Technology
Sports technology is the study and use of modern and accurate technology in sports. Sports technology is used with the intention that with the help of modern science, sport can be taken to the next level.
The first use of sports technology is studies. Professionals, i.e. medical teams and physical teams study a sport and the players extensively.
Sporting technologies are man-made methods, developed to reach human interests or goals in or relating to a particular sport. Technology in sports is a technical means by which athletes attempt to improve their training and competitive surroundings in order to enhance their overall athletic performance.
26. Military Technology
Military technology is the use of technology to create new weapons etc. for war purposes. The development of guns, tanks, missiles, radar equipment, fighter jets, and aircraft carriers are all branches of military technology.
Nuclear weapons are also part of military technology. Military technology is one of the most heavily invested segments. The speed with which this technology grows is dizzying. As countries try to outdo each other in terms of firepower, they place more and more emphasis on military technology resulting in rapid growth.
27. Industrial and Manufacturing Technology
Technology in industrial areas offers a faster and cheaper alternative to older methods. Modern machines such as automated forges, conveyor belt systems, large furnaces, CNC milling machines, etc. are forms of industrial technology.
These machines help to reduce manufacturing times – this is due to the immense amount of processing they can do simultaneously and the ability to run constantly – thereby increasing the productivity of factory plants.
Much of the equipment used today is automated, and only a handful of paid technicians can take care of entire plants. This reduces production costs and increases profitability.
28. Electrical engineering technology
Electrical/Electronics Engineering (EET) is an engineering specialty that implements and applies the principles of electrical engineering. Like electrical engineering, EET deals with “the design, application, installation, manufacture, operation or maintenance of electrical/electronic systems”.
However, EET is a specialised discipline that focuses more on application, theory, and applied design and implementation, while electrical engineering can focus more on theory and conceptual design.
Electrical / electronic engineering technology is the largest branch of engineering technology and encompasses a wide range of sub-disciplines, such as applied design, electronics, embedded systems, control systems, instrumentation, telecommunications, and power systems.
29. Quantum technology
Quantum technology is a new field of physics and technology based on the principles of quantum physics. Quantum computing, quantum sensors, quantum cryptography, quantum modeling, quantum metrology, and quantum imaging are all examples of quantum technologies where the properties of quantum mechanics are important, especially quantum entanglement, quantum superposition, and quantum tunnelling
Recently quantum technology in silicon reached 99% accuracy
Quantum computers are expected to have many important computational applications such as optimization and machine learning. They are probably best known for their expected ability to perform the “Shor algorithm” that can be used to factorise large numbers and is an important process in securing data transmissions.
30. Marine Technology
Marine technology is defined by WEGEMT (a European association of 40 universities in 17 countries) as “technologies for the safe use, exploitation, protection of, and intervention in, the marine environment.”
In this regard, according to WEGEMT, the technologies involved in marine technology are the following:
Marine technology is defined by WEGEMT (a European association of 40 universities in 17 countries) as “technologies for the safe use, exploitation, protection of, and intervention in, the marine environment.”
Takeaway – Conclusion
These are many of the different types of technology used and well known in 2021. Indeed, technology is transforming millions of people’s lives, making operations of dailey lives more convenient among all industries and applications. Technology helps to promote greater productivity, higher business revenues, and improved relationships spanning around the world