Re-thinking your CMS can help you streamline your workflow but also ensure that all content you present is relevant and easily usable
Gone are the days when creating a website was enough to keep it visible for potential customers and keep them coming back.
Today, a variety of factors, from the evolution of search engines to the increasing demand for user-friendly sites, have made customers more discerning about what they click on. Your Content Management System (CMS) crucial for keeping your customers engaged with your brand.
Here are some insights into why rethinking your CMS is crucial for customer retention:
Keep Up With User Behavior
As technology and the way people use it evolve, so does the way customers interact with brands. With the introduction of new trends and technologies, customers’ expectations grow as well. In order to remain relevant, brands need to keep up with these new patterns and trends.
While it is best to keep track of all these developments and patterns, it is not always possible due to various factors like budget restraints, time constraints and lack of resources. This is where CMS comes in handy.
With a well-built CMS, you can track what your customers are searching for and look at trends to predict how customers might behave in the future. You can also create content that keeps up with the latest trends and use the same to engage with customers.
Stay Ahead Of Google Trends
If you are not tracking trending topics online, you are missing out on an important opportunity to stay relevant with your target audience. Especially in the digital space, where “what’s popular” is what’s trending, staying ahead of trends is essential for businesses.
Even though you cannot control the trends and what will happen next, you can control the type of content you produce and the way you deliver it to your customers.
By tracking trending topics and creating content that is relevant to them, you can not only stay ahead of the trends but also ensure that your content is usable by your customers. This will ensure that you have a serious, engaging conversation with your audience and stay relevant in the minds of your target customers.
Streamline Workflow For efficiency & consistency
Another important reason to re-think your CMS is to streamline your workflow and ensure consistency. When you have a specific workflow, you are less likely to make mistakes while using various tools. As a result, workflow consistency, which is the least desired outcome as far as the end user is concerned, is higher.
However, if you re-think your CMS, you can create a content management system (CMS) that allows for a variety of workflow options, depending on your business needs. This will allow you to choose the workflow that works best for your organisation, which will significantly reduce workflow inconsistency and ensure consistency for your team members.
Make Content Personal And Placement Flexible
Customers want to feel like your brand is speaking directly to them, which is why you should re-think your CMS to create personalised experiences.
When you re-think your CMS, you can create custom pages, based on your specific needs, which can be used to create various types of content.
These pages can be personalised with images or videos that reflect the brand and can also be used for search engine optimisation (SEO).
With a custom CMS, you can also change the order of the pages, create a new page or move an existing page to a different location on your website with ease and consistency. This will allow you to create content that is more personalised and will help customers feel like they are being addressed directly.
Provide A seamless user experience
A huge reason to re-think your CMS is to provide a seamless user experience. As your business grows, the demands placed on your team also increase. That, coupled with the fact that most teams usually consist of people who have little to no experience in content creation, makes it all the more important to re-think your CMS to create a seamless user experience.
With a re-thought CMS, you can create intuitive pages, templates and tools that are easy to navigate and understand by non-technical people. This will allow your end users to navigate through your website with ease and create engaging content.
Cloud enabling data-driven personalisation
- For two-way conversations to flourish, organisations must also understand their customers, including by collecting and managing relevant supporting data.
- Modern data-analytics capabilities, on the other hand, are difficult and cumbersome to install and facilitate a variety of data management and analytics processes.
- Companies with legacy CMS environments, on the other hand, will find adding modern data-analytics capabilities complex and burdensome – and their personalisation efforts will suffer as a result.
- Cloud-based data-management and data-management systems, on the other hand, are much easier and more robust in terms of building robust data collection, analysis, and personalisation processes.
Headless Designs
The headless design that distributes content without demanding the presentation layer adapts to new platforms as they are developed – ensuring that online experiences can span web, portable, wearable and other devices to get the right content where, when, and how people want it – without forcing the presentation layer on organisations.
Privacy Controls
Privacy controls assist organisations in meeting privacy and governance requirements to cut down on data management and spend more time developing rich customer experiences.
Building a personalisation culture
Any organisation can rapidly build engaging content that is seamlessly personalised according to each client’s preferences once they have the right content and data management platforms
As modern technology stacks resolve the frustrations of legacy content-management platforms, companies can discover that their customer culture rapidly changes to reflect the new possibilities.
Building a personalised experience
Of those that took part in a 2021 Content Marketing Institute (CMI) survey (PDF), only 5 per cent said they always built personalised experiences into their content planning process, with 21 per cent admitting they seldom or never did so.
Three-quarters of those surveyed said their company was moderately or extremely successful in strategic content management.
Content as a core business strategy
This year respondents reported that their business viewed content as a core business strategy (81% vs. 72% last year) Additionally:
- Approxmitaly the same percentage reports that their organisation is extremely/very successful with managing content (22%), and less reported minimal/nosuccess (13% vs. 21% last year).
- Proficiency levels when using technology to manage thier content increased (31% reported that their organisation is expert/advanced vs. 25% last year
- Less business report having enough skilled staff is a challenge (53% vs. 63% last year
Final words
A content management system (CMS) is crucial for running an online business. Every content creator should have a system to organise and publish content. This can help save time and make it easier to create content that appeals to customers.
Re-thinking your CMS can be challenging, especially if you’re coming from a traditional system like WordPress. But by following these tips, you can re-think your CMS and see substantial results.