If you’re a Web Hosting newcomer, you may be wondering how Vesta stacks up against other free web hosting providers. Many newcomers (like us) have come to find that many free web hosting providers just don’t deliver on their promises. Some may have started out with good plans, only to find their server down the very first week. Others may have been under the impression that they ‘must’ use a free Web Hosting provider – after all, who would want to use one that’s free, right?
We have used several web hosting control panels in our line of work, and have found that Vesta has several strong points. For example, when we launched a very simple web hosting site for a client, we used a free Web Hosting provider with a basic control panel. The service was fine, but it lacked key features we needed to operate effectively. Vesta, by contrast, includes a full range of features that will help your new website truly succeed.
For example, Vesta boasts an extensive range of scripts and database features that will dramatically boost your site’s performance, while still allowing it to remain simple and straightforward. Vesta even provides the script auto-installer cPanel, which allows you to easily get your new web hosting control panel up and running in minutes. By eliminating common problems associated with free Web Hosting services, cPanel gives you an edge in the market.
Most people familiar with VPS hosting probably know about Control Panel First and Super Panel First. Those are two of the most popular plugins available for controlling VPS servers. However, there are many other powerful functions available with Vesta control panel. This is a list of some of those functions:
There are several other advanced features available with Vesta control panel. For example, you can create a new domain name using your existing IP address. You can also change the primary IP address and associate it with a domain name, or you can set up a DNS server and assign an IP address to a domain name instead of a name. If you’re looking for additional ways to control your VPS server(s), you’ll find Vesta Control Panel has a lot of plugins that you can choose from.
Vesta control panel makes managing your VPS easily and provides a reliable and safe means to access your VPS server(s). If you’re looking for a Vesta control panel solution, you’ll find that Vesta Control Panel can meet your needs. It is highly intuitive, features a user-friendly interface, and includes many useful functions.
With Vesta Control Panel, you can install, activate, and configure a wide range of scripts, programs, and customizations. There’s a built-in editor, so you can edit your VPS configuration any time. Plus, there’s a large variety of plug-ins available in the Vesta control panel that you can use to customize your VPS experience. Plugins are basically user-added features that allow you to fully utilize all features of Vesta, regardless of what operating system you’re using.
One major advantage to Vesta Control Panel is that it’s open source control panel software. This means that it provides you with the highest quality of performance out of any other control panel software available on the market today. Most Vesta users have been extremely impressed with the speed, reliability, security, and features of this powerful control panel. Many owners of virtual private servers use Vesta Control Panel, because it allows them more control over their server than ever before. Plus, it’s extremely easy to use, and does not require a long learning curve. This low cost also makes Vesta very affordable for many webmasters.
The last reason why Vesta is such a great choice for controlling your VPS is because it includes a feature that allows you to easily add new user accounts. If you’re just starting out with VPS hosting and would like to try out some new features, adding new user accounts is extremely simple. All you have to do is login to your VPS control panel, and you can easily add a new user. You can then enter their username and password and instantly be able to access their resources on your VPS, without having to log into your regular web browser.