Hosting technology is changing rapidly and so do the options available to you on the internet. For many people, choosing a good web hosting provider means the difference between an average site that competes well with the more established ones and a site that barely keep its head above water. This is why you will often see the same names repeated several times in different areas of the internet, for example in Australia there are quite a few companies with the same name, but they are very different when it comes to providing their services.
Another popular option for people looking for a control panel for their website is cPanel. The cPanel provides you with a lot of the same features just like JustHost and many of the same benefits. Some of the main benefits you will find with cPanel include being able to install and remove all of the software that runs on your servers including your database. You also have the opportunity to set up unlimited subdomains and to have full control over your web application.
If you want a simple web application then reseller hosting is perfect for you. This type of hosting involves a hosting company that sells you accounts from another company. They will basically sell you the same amount of space as you would get with a full package from HostGator, but they will add on the tools and features you need to host your site. Most of these companies will allow you to have root access to the servers, so you won’t have to worry about making any changes to your server at all. One thing you can count on with reseller hosting companies is that they will charge you a monthly fee.
Managed Servers
Many of the major companies now offer managed servers at very reasonable rates. These managed servers are similar to the cPanel concept, except that they will offer you more than just one control panel. With inmotion hosting you get dedicated servers as well as databases and emails. These types of hosting plans are ideal for large sites, but if you only have a small personal blog then you probably don’t need this type of service. HostGator offers inmotion hosting plans for both personal and small businesses.
Next there are the hostometro concept, which is essentially like a shared hosting plan, but with one big exception. The hostometro plan actually allows you to host three different domains under the same account. This is not something most people would consider to be unlimited, but many small businesses use the same idea for their domain names and the hostometro company will actually handle all the DNS requests and help with setting up email accounts, etc.
SSL Certificates
For an overall view of the different types of hosting plans that are out there you should do a search on Google for a list of hosting plan review sites. You’ll find that there are a lot of them out there that are willing to help you make the right decision for your needs. The most important features to look for are a cPanel access and ssl certificate. An SSL certificate is critical for any Web site, especially a website that will accept credit card transactions.
You also want to make sure that the company provides some type of server monitoring and security features. One of the best ways to do this is by using a cloudflare reseller. There are several cloudflare resellers on the web, and each one offers a wide range of features and benefits. The most important thing to look for is good customer service, great bandwidth, fast server connections, and strong domain privacy protection.