Wind turbines have been around for centuries, providing some of the cleanest and most abundant sources of energy on earth. For years, wind generators were used as a sole source of energy to power entire communities. In recent times, many people are discovering the benefits of wind turbines for use as a residential source of energy. Wind generated energy is clean and abundant, providing a natural, renewable source for electricity. With advancements in eco-friendly technology, it is now possible to harness this powerful source for your home as well.
Wind turbines reduce the footprint that you have on the planet. Wind is a completely renewable energy resource. Wind turbines don’t release pollutants that will pollute water or the air (including acid rain) and they don’t require large amounts of water for cooling. Wind turbines don’t use fuel, emitting no greenhouse gases. They can even be built right on your roof! This makes wind turbines an excellent choice for green living.
Wind turbines also reduce the impact that your animals and birds have on the environment. Many birds die each year from being struck by a turbine and many more suffer injuries when flying into the blades of a wind farm. Wind farms are places where birds are killed, often without rhyme or reason. While some experts debate the fact that birds actually die as a result of wind turbines, it is clear to see that their deaths are often a direct result of the energy sources.
There are also a number of environmental benefits to installing wind turbines. Wind is considered a clean renewable energy and releases almost no pollution into the atmosphere. As the turbine blades pick up wind speed, they are only slowing it down, not releasing pollution into the air. As a result, the pollution level associated with wind turbines has been shown to improve the quality of life in many areas.
When you compare the costs of having a mw unit installed versus just using it yourself, it will be clear to you that there is an enormous difference. If you have a mw unit on your roof, you could potentially see your electric bill drop by as much as 50%! Imagine what would happen if you had several small mw units installed throughout your home. That same dramatic reduction in your monthly electric bill can add up to thousands of dollars per year in savings.
One of the main benefits of having a MW unit is the protection it gives you from birds. Maintaining and keeping your a unit in good working order helps prevent birds from getting near it. Many birds are killed by the high wind speed that these turbines produce. Wind turbines also help prevent the death of birds that become trapped inside. Because the blades are closed, they cannot easily get out and injure birds or animals that try to escape.
Although you may think that the amount of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere from the use of wind turbines is worse than it would be if you used non renewable sources of energy, this is not true. Carbon dioxide is one of the most common contributors to global warming, and it is released by our use of fossil fuels. Wind power does not release carbon dioxide. With wind turbines, the amount of carbon emissions released is reduced and may even be eliminated.
Finally, wind turbines can help to eliminate the cost of power grid conversions. Power grid companies in many places mandate the use of solar panels and wind turbines to provide back-up power for the local power grid. Unfortunately, these power grid companies can take a huge bite out of the money that you save with wind turbine technology. By making your own wind turbines, you can eliminate that cost and help to keep your local power grid costs down.