At the recent 2022 CTIA 5G Summit, AT&T EVP and GM David Christopher sat down with JBG SMITH EVP Evan Regan-Levine to discuss how the companies are building the nation’s first true 5G-powered smart city at scale, at National Landing in Arlington, VA.
JBG SMITH is deploying requisite infrastructure for innovation, including neighborhood-wide Fiber, 5G in collaboration with AT&T, and Edge Zones to unlock the potential of smart cities and allow for smarter resource management to make it one of the most earth-friendly and business-friendly places to live, work, and visit.
According to Accenture, cities produce 70% of the global carbon dioxide emissions. Along with transportation, they are the largest emitters of carbon dioxide equivalents of any industry. But working with CTIA, Accenture estimates that 5G’s potential impact on cities and transportation could be the equivalent of taking 19.2 million cars off the road or preventing 9.7 billion gallons of gasoline from being consumed annually.
AT&T said to achieve our climate imperative, cities need to be reimagined and developed differently.