AIIA white paper – Growing Globally Competitive Industries
Australia must accelerate digital health solutions with government support united at all levels or be left further behind countries like the UK and US, reveals a new report. The AIIA recently released a white paper which points to the World Health Care Index of Healthcare Innovation that ranks Australia as 26th out of 31 countries for science and technology, citing restrictions on the use of new technology as a major barrier to innovation.
DB Results welcomes the release of the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) white paper, and its recognition of the important role technology will play in Australia’s future.
DB Results CEO Gavin Bunshaw said it was important that all levels of government work together to help deliver the vision outlined in the white paper and transform Australia’s technology frameworks for the benefit of all Australians.
“Australia has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, but a lack of national standards and interoperability, and inability to innovate at speed has resulted in a fragmented and inefficient response to the COVID-19 crisis.”
The report focuses on where Australia has a global competitive advantage and what needs to be done to maintain it. Chapters focus on Agriculture, Health, Manufacturing, Digital Engineering and Government, as well as Cyber, AI / ML, Quantum, Incentives and Commercialisation.
Key themes include:
- Government has a clear role to lead – in collaboration with industry
- That leadership must include clear strategic directions in core industries identified
- Where Australia requires or has current niche global leadership, we need to back this with a comprehensive strategy (e.g., AI and Quantum)
- As part of above, R&D funding alone is not enough, we need a commercialisation strategy to unlock industry funds and ensure we can develop local businesses that can become world leading and export capability and IP.
As a member of the AIIA white paper steering committee, DB Results led the drafting of the Health Chapter that outlines how Australia can lead the way in health by establishing a common technology framework with associated policies and processes to deliver:
- Digital solutions to transform health care.
- A National Platform to drive collaboration, standards, cyber security, and interoperability.
- Revised Industry Health Funding Models; and
- Re-engineered and 21st Century My Health Record.
DB Results Chief Operating Officer, Chris Pearce said,
“The Covid pandemic has written the new business case for digital technology, and it is now more
important than ever that governments and industry work together to ensure we as a nation can take advantage of digital capabilities.”
“We applaud the AIIA’s commitment to stimulating and growing the digital ecosystem, to foster collaboration and innovation between governments and industry and contribute to Australia’s economic prosperity.”
The AIIA white paper is available to download here.