The Australian Technology Industry is a leader in innovative technologies that contribute to the economic growth and cultural diversity of the nation. As the country develops and implements its National Information Technology Strategy, an ever growing number of businesses and individuals are taking advantage of this ever-growing market.
As part of Australia’s strategic objectives for its National Innovation Strategy (Nats), an information technology assessment is critically important. The goal is to ensure the nation has a well-rounded information technology system by assessing its current technologies and looking to the future to identify key opportunities and threats.
In keeping with a strictly numerical framework, the CRN Fast50 has made sure that the CRN Fast Scores continues to make recognition and respect as the only global awards program specifically focused on businesses based on statistical data. As a result, many of Australia’s leading information technology companies have taken advantage of the prestigious award.
The Australian industry has benefitted from several important advances in information technology over the past decade. These include advancing information technologies, adoption of an open data architecture, adoption of cloud computing, and the integration of enterprise virtualization and digital transformation.
This have also contributed to the growth of Australia’s economy and helped it become a world leader in information and innovation. Australia’s government and private sector have also invested heavily in education, research, and information technology, resulting in a workforce well-versed in these and other technological advances.
The Australian economy benefits greatly from its focus on information and innovation technology. The Australian economy is also highly dependent on foreign trade. The country’s agricultural output is second only to China and has a free trade agreement with New Zealand.
This strong alliance with New Zealand allows for preferential treatment of Australian agricultural and service industries. As a result, Australia attracts an influx of talented and skilled individuals from overseas, which fuels the growth of Australian information and tech businesses.
The Australian economy benefits from a strong economy because of immigration. The current population of Australia is around AUS 36 million, and the country has a population density of just under 5% per square kilometer.
As a result, there are plenty of job opportunities in Australia for the people of all skill levels. In addition to having access to a variety of jobs, immigrants also contribute to the Australian economy by bringing their skills and experience to Australian companies and by forming new businesses and outsourcing to Australian companies.
Another important contribution of the Australian information technology industry is its contribution to the world economy through export. The nation’s economy is largely based on its relationship with other nations. It exports an array of goods and services such as petroleum, coal, iron ore, and wool.
Many people in the United Kingdom, United States, New Zealand, India, and even Japan rely on Australia’s ability to provide them with the goods and services that they need. This is in addition to the services that Australia provides to its citizens through its numerous educational institutions, government, and non-profit organisations.
Australia’s greatest strength lies in its population. The median age is just over a year younger than the world average. As a result, there are plenty of well educated, skilled workers that are between twenty and thirty years of age. Many of these workers are from Asia and other areas of the world, but their skills can easily be translated into the Australian workplace.
There are also plenty of parents with young children. Because of the strong family care culture that is strong in Australia, many parents choose to send their children to one of the many state and private childcare providers in Australia.
The country is also home to one of the largest tech sectors in the world. The telecommunications industry is responsible for creating many of the jobs within the IT and Information Technology fields.
The creation of Australia’s National Broadband Network has also made this nation a strong player in the IT field. With the massive amounts of money that is poured into research and development grants by both the federal and state governments, there is no telling what innovative new products the country may come up with in the future.
Overall, the Australian Technology Industry Association is an excellent organization that represents both the interests of its members and the wider business community in Australia.
It holds regular seminars and workshops in order to keep its members up to date on all of the latest industry trends. Its website offers an extensive list of current and former member companies.
Mike Cannon-Brookes, Co-founder and Co-CEO, Atlassian says Australia is a great place to have a crack and build a business. Scott Farquhar and I know this – we built a global business with over 6,000 employees from our home in Sydney.

“But to do that we’ve relied on amazing, talented people from around the world. Many of those people who joined Atlassian from overseas have gone on to work for other great Aussie companies. Some of them have even founded their own companies, here in Australia,”
“The Australian Government helps us and other companies to bring in awesome people through initiatives like the Global Talent Visa Program,”
“This is critical for Aussie companies to compete on the international stage and to build a critical mass of skilled people in our country,”
“Australia is my home and an incredible place to live. During the global COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve had a quality of life that has been the envy of the rest of the world. I want more of the world’s best and brightest to experience just how awesome it is,” he said.
Australian Technology Industry Statistics
- In January 2022, the number of internet users in Australia reached 23.60 million. At the onset of 2022, 91.0 percent of the Australian population enjoyed internet access.
- From 2021 to 2022, there was a notable surge of 777 thousand (+3.4 percent) internet users in Australia. Nightly device usage is prevalent among 51% of children, and 90% of them employ a device in the hour before bedtime at least once a week.
- Okla’s recent research reveals that Australia experienced a 16.29 Mbps (+25.1%) increase in the median mobile internet connection speed.
- At the start of 2022, 82.7 percent of Australia’s population engaged with social media platforms.
What percentage of Australians use technology?
There were 25.31 million internet users in Australia in January 2023. Australia’s internet penetration rate stood at 96.2 percent of the total population at the start of 2023
What is the most used technology in Australia?
73% of Australian adults had used an internet-connected smart device, excluding computers, tablets and mobile phones. *Smart TV ownership asked as a separate question in 2020, including a detailed description of a ‘smart TV’, and is not directly comparable with other smart devices.
How big is the technology industry in Australia?
Our fast-growing, A$167 billion tech sector
Rapid digital adoption during COVID-19 meant that Australia’s technology sector grew by 26% – or A$34 billion – in the year to June 2021. The Tech Council of Australia has set a target for technology to deliver A$250 billion per annum to Australia’s GDP by 2030.
How many Australians are digitally excluded?
According to the 2021 Australian Digital Inclusion Index, the number of Australians who are highly excluded from digital society has declined, however the number remains significant at 11% of the population.
What is the tech capital of Australia?
Melbourne is Australia’s technology hub and is home to more than half of Australia’s top 20 technology companies. There are now over 2,700 startups in Victoria and the sector is growing at a rate of 23% every year.
Victoria now has 29 accelerator programs, many established with the support of LaunchVic, Victoria’s lead startup ecosystem development agency. LaunchVic supports entrepreneurs and investors to sustainably grow and deliver economic and cultural benefits for Victoria.
Melbourne also continues to add to its list of EdTech credentials, with the release of the HolonIQ Australia and New Zealand EdTech 50 for 2022 highlighting the expanding number of fast growing and innovative learning, teaching and up-skilling startups in Melbourne.
What rank is Australia in technology?
Australia slipped to 20 in the IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking (WDCR) with its key weaknesses being business agility along with digital skills and training.
Australia’s digitech ecosystem
The digital technology landscape in Australia is experiencing remarkable growth, expanding by 79% over a span of five years.
This growth rate is four times faster than the overall economy’s pace. In the fiscal year 2021, the digitech sector accounted for a substantial A$167 billion, which is equivalent to 8.5% of the country’s GDP.
With a firm belief in its potential, the Australian Government is actively supporting the tech industry, aiming for a significant contribution of A$250 billion to the GDP by the close of this decade.
This flourishing environment presents a multitude of opportunities for both investment and expansion. If you’re considering involvement in Australia’s thriving digitech realm, the present moment stands out as an ideal time to do so.
In Australia, you can also find:
- A Thriving Tech Landscape: Over the past decade, the country has witnessed the creation of more than 100 companies valued at over $100 million each, underscoring the vitality of the tech sector.
- Exceptional Talent Pool: The tech industry employs one out of every 16 working Australians. Surprisingly, Australia boasts a larger number of software engineers compared to secondary school teachers, plumbers, hairdressers, or police personnel. Our commitment to skill development is unwavering as we work towards generating 1.2 million tech-related jobs by the year 2030.
- Leading Educational and Research Institutions: Renowned universities and research establishments are at the forefront of pioneering technologies such as AI, autonomous systems, remote sensors, and cyber security.
- Government Investment in Infrastructure: Australia’s government is dedicated to enhancing infrastructure, including initiatives like the National Broadband Network, establishment of 5G operational bases, bolstering cybersecurity, and fostering advancements in AI and quantum capabilities.
- Prime Market for Launch: The country serves as an optimal launch market due to its early embrace of digital technologies. Australians are enthusiastic users of technology both in their personal lives and professional endeavors.
Digital transformation.
The Australian technology industry has greatly benefited from a number of key advancements in information technology in recent years. These include the adoption of a virtual information architecture, development of information services, adoption of a cloud infrastructure, and the integration of virtualization with digital transformation.
In this context, “digital transformation” refers to the combined deployment of technology such as email, social networking, electronic messaging, web applications, and content management to create new systems that are easier to manage, more accessible, and better able to handle the voluminous amount of data that is being sent and received by organisations in today’s world.
In short, “digital transformation” is the process of using digital tools to transform information and make it more available to people through a business or a single organization.
The adoption of a virtual information architecture also known as VIA, is a key step in the Australian technology scene. This has allowed businesses and other organisations to manage their information technology needs across the board by sharing applications and workflows. This in turn has led to a marked reduction in IT costs and increased employee productivity.
The other important developments in the field of information technology in Australia include the development of the information management industry in which there is an increasing demand for qualified professionals. The creation of the Information Technology Industry Association (ITIA) in 2021 was one of the first attempts to centralize information technology in Australia.
Information and tech education
Another major growth area has been in the area of information and tech education. The Australian economy as a whole has been extremely successful when it comes to providing skilled workers to international business ventures.
In turn, this has made Australia one of the most popular international locations for tertiary education, and the country has made an effort to support this move by offering tuition assistance, professional qualifications, and other forms of assistance to working adults who want to further their education.
Furthermore, Australia’s highly respected private colleges have continued to prove that they are a great place for working adults to go to study. In fact, many private colleges in Australia have recently made major improvements to their programs and quality, including establishing partnerships with renowned universities in the US and Europe.
Homegrown Australian Heros
Australia is home to multiple global digital success stories, including rare unicorns – startups worth more than US$1 billion.
In less than 10 years, Australian design software Canva reached a value of A$55 billion, while buy now, pay later company Afterpay was recently acquired for a history-making A$39 billion. Other Australian tech sensations include Aconex, Airwallex and the $US100 billion Atlassian.
Skilled Tech Talent
With a strong economy and an incredible population, there are no shortages of talent in the Australian tech industry. As a result, companies in Australia have continued to invest heavily in equipping their business with the most up-to-date technological tools and systems possible.
As a result, there are now more opportunities than ever for tech graduates to grow and develop in the field of computer software, web development, programming, hardware, networking, telecommunications, semiconductors, and manufacturing. The country’s low unemployment rate and strong economy have also played a major role in the country’s rise to economic prosperity.
However, even with the continued rise of the economy, the Australian economy is not immune to any new trends or new technologies that may crop up. As a result, Australia must remain alert to the emerging trends in the world, both economically and technologically.
Google’s confidents in Australia’s digital future
With a strong belief in Australia’s digital prospects, Google is making a substantial investment of A$1 billion over a span of five years as part of the Digital Future Initiative. This initiative encompasses investments in Australian infrastructure, research endeavors, and collaborative partnerships.
Among a select few nations, Australia stands out as a choice for this noteworthy investment from Google. This decision is a testament to Google’s acknowledgment of the remarkable talent and innovative spirit within the Australian population.
Google’s dedication extends towards ensuring that all Australians can access technology to unlock their capabilities. Moreover, this investment aims to lay a robust foundation for a thriving digital economy that can compete on a global scale while also fostering local employment opportunities.
Incentives, grants and support
Venture capital funding in Australia has risen to record levels. In 2021, almost 700 deals were announced, with a record A$10.1 billion invested – triple the capital raised in 2020.
You can access a range of Australian Government incentives and opportunities in digital technology.
- We’re establishing a Critical Technologies Fund to deliver A$1 billion in investment support through loans, equity and guarantees for businesses in critical technologies such as AI, robotics and quantum computing
- The Research and Development Tax Incentive encourages businesses to invest more in R&D through tax offsets.
- The Department of Defence offers funding through the Next Generation Technologies Fund.
- A range of programs and initiatives are available specifically to support industry innovation.
As a nation, it has always been prone to change, even throughout history. This has allowed it to become a technological leader and a heavy player in its regional and global communities.
Now, it is essential that the nation continue on this path and embrace any technological innovations and advances that may come along. For this reason, the Australian tech start-ups must continue to be vigilant and aggressive in their search for expansion.
There is no doubt that the demands for IT professionals will continue to increase as the years go by. In order to meet this demand, the Australian technology start-ups must be able to hire the best and the brightest.
In doing so, they should be looking at leading experts in their respective fields, whether it is network installation information technology, software development, electrical engineering, or manufacturing automation.
By employing only the finest in the field, the start-ups can ensure that they are hiring from an industry leader. To do this, they should be proactive in seeking out potential candidates through various employment agencies and on various job boards.