The influence of the Internet and technological developments over recent decades has touched every aspect of our everyday life. Thanks to the Internet, there is now no excuse for offline behaviors and interactions. In 2023 platforms like ChatGPT is hands down one of these top trends with one in three consumers already using chatbots. In 2020 a trends in online behavior and technology usage study indicated that most Australian internet users spend more than an hour on a daily basis on various websites.
The influence of the Internet has resulted in a shift in the way that Australian adults interact with their computers and with the rest of the world. It has become increasingly common for Australian adults to use digital marketing to connect with other online users.
Online forums and chat rooms have also become widely used, with many Australian online users creating their own personal blogs. With the continued expansion of technologies, the role of traditional media such as print and television has diminished significantly.
As a result, trends in online behaviour and technology usage are likely to continue to increase. Digital marketing strategies such as social media marketing are ideal for influencing online behaviour. Social media marketing involves the creation of engaging, unique and interesting content that attracts a specific audience.
Trends in online behaviour and technology usage studies indicates that most Australian Internet users access the Internet through a digital marketing strategy. A number of Australian websites are dedicated to social media. The major social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and LinkedIn.
Social media provides an opportunity for businesses to create unique online profiles, engage in digital marketing activities and connect with customers. Social media allows users to share opinions, post links to their favorite articles and share photos of their current or recent experiences.
Trends in online behavior and technology is evident in the increasing use of digital marketing tools by businesses. These tools allow businesses to communicate with their customers and generate traffic to their websites.
It has been shown that online users prefer to access websites through digital marketing campaigns that are well designed and executed. Digital marketing strategies can include creating unique content, sharing media and participating in social media marketing.
In addition, the online purchase behavior of consumers has also been influenced by trends in online shopping habits. This includes the increased use of e-commerce by customers, as well as the evolution of consumer behavior and purchasing habits when making their purchases online.
Consumers have become increasingly picky about the products they choose to purchase online. They are increasingly concerned about being exposed to lower quality products and services and are likely to look for other retailers that offer better value for money. Similarly, buyers of digital media goods are likely to shop around to find the best value for their money.
Key research findings
Researcher – Australian Communications and Media Authority
2020 seen more Australian adults accessed the internet, with increased participation in many activities and services since 2019.
Devices Used
- Almost all Australians (99%) had internet access in the previous 6 months of 2020 (up from 90% in 2019).
- Australian internet users, on average, used 4.4 types of devices to access the internet (increase of 4.0 types in 2019)
Smart Devices
- The most popular smart devices used were smart TVs, wearable devices and smart voice-controlled speakers.
Internet-Based Activities
- Engagement in online activities increased significantly in 2020, likely due to restrictions related to COVID-19.
- Email, web browsing, watching videos, and using online banking were the most common activities on the Internet.
Use of Communications Apps
- Over three-quarters (77%) of Australian adults used a communication app in the previous 6 months (up from 67% in 2019).
- Facebook Messenger was the most popular app (66%), followed by Zoom (43%).
Services Used To Communicate
- More Australians are using communications services
- Fixed-line home phone usage continues to decline—from 44% in 2019 to 40% in 2020.
Social Networking Sites and Apps
- Nearly three-quarters (72%) of Australian adults used a social networking app in the previous 6 months (up from 63% in 2019).
- Facebook was the most popular social networking app used by 63% of users.
Australia has always been renowned for its unique and pioneering technological advancements and this has set it apart from its peer group in the global context.
The rise of the internet has allowed Australia’s economy to grow at a much faster pace and this has also created an opening for Australia’s remote work technology industry.
Today, Australia is well positioned to take advantage of the opportunities which stem from the ever-changing technologies.
There are many innovative technologies that have the potential to help improve the health and the lives of Australian adults. This is why, a recent survey showed that there is a strong appetite for Australian electronic equipment among the general population
Devices Used To Go Online
In 2020, more Australians were online and, on average, used a larger scope of different devices to access internet endpoints.
99% of Australian adults accessed internet endpoints in the previous 6 months to June 2020 (up from 90% in 2019)

Online Activities
There are many trends in online activities that have been shaped and developed based on consumer behavior and their overall impressions of different companies. There are many companies that have been focusing on the growth and development of Australia as they want to expand into other Asian markets like China and India.
Many people view Australia as an island nation with unique culture and interesting history and this has made it as a very popular tourist destination for both locals and foreigners alike.
It is not surprising to see that tourism has always been a great revenue generator for any country and Australia has a large tourist base. The rise of online activities such as trading and auctions for goods and services has also played a major role in the increase in business opportunities for businesses in Australia.
From 2019 to 2020, increases in most internet activities were likely driven by COVID-19 restrictions, given there was no significant change from 2018 to 2019.
Activities performed online in the past 6 months* (%)

With the rise of the internet there are many factors such as the growth of IT, internet usage and trends in the shopping behavior of consumers. The internet has always had a strong presence in Australia and there are a number of software companies that have grown up around the country and are contributing a lot to the economy.
With the rising consumer interest levels in shopping online the future for Australia is looking bright with more people becoming aware of how much they can save through shopping online at the comfort of their home.
Change In Internet Activities Since COVID-19
4 out of 5 Australian adults have started or increased their participation in both telehealth consultations and videoconferences / calls since COVID-19 restrictions were introduced in March 2020.

The rapid changes in Internet activities are manifested in different ways in the different parts of the world. Adults in the Australia have to face significant challenges with regard to the instant messaging and smart phone connectivity. In United States the rapid growth of Internet has not yet started to show the same degree as the other countries, but this is expected to happen very soon.
The Internet has become a lifeline for many people across the world and is a major source of income for many individuals. In many countries the Internet has helped people to save on their monthly income and this has helped them to enjoy a better lifestyle. However, there are certain challenges that the young people in these countries will have to face with the aid of the Internet.
Another major challenge faced by many people in the Australia is the identity fraud. With the help of the technology, it has become easy for hackers to steal and misuse the identities of the victim and use this to steal money and other important information.
This is the biggest reason for increasing cases of credit card identity fraud, and this has led to the development of many Anti-Virus software to prevent such activities. However, the main problem with Identity theft is that most of the time, it is not detected early enough, and the users continue to spend and transfer money even though they know that their accounts have been stolen.
In order to prevent these types of activities from happening to the customers of different companies and organisations it is important to find ways to combat with the growing threats of identity fraud.
Use of Communications Apps
The rise of smartphones and mobile internet usage is not new. What is new is the increase in the use of communications apps that run on these platforms. Examples include: LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
These are just a few of the available apps; there are many others that were not mentioned. There is a trend toward more “personal” apps for use within work settings, but some of those are also finding their way into the workplace.
As companies explore ways to foster collaboration within work, they are finding that one of the most successful ways to do so is through the use of apps that are tightly integrated with mobile technologies.
One example of this integration is found with the development of social networking apps for iPhones and iPad. While the overall number of users has been decreasing for years, the growth of social networking on the iOS platform has been less than expected.
In fact, it has only been a few years since the first iPhone introduced social networking to the world. With this app, those who want to stay connected with friends and family can do so from any location that has an internet connection.
Another example of a company using communications apps to foster greater collaboration comes from the area of remote working. Many companies have chosen to outsource work in recent years. However, there has been a twenty percent increase in the use of remote working companies since last summer.
This is due to a variety of factors including a need for cost reduction and a desire to reduce employee travel time. Some businesses are finding that the ability to use remote work apps means that they can focus their efforts on higher priority tasks such as marketing and sales, while others continue to work with traditional methods.
Yet another example is found with the use of communications apps to foster collaboration on the web. The growth of HubPages, and Blogger has created a new type of collaborative website, one that allows users to upload digital content, make comments and add classified ads.
Companies have used these types of sites to provide greater access and share information across a wide range of industries, from finance to real estate to manufacturing. These companies have also seen a nearly 20 percent increase in the number of articles written about them online.
The development of communications apps like these is advantageous for consumers as well as businesses. It allows individuals to take their work anywhere they go, which eliminates the need to be stuck in an office. It is also convenient to be able to access work-related information from any location, which can save a great deal of time.
There is a lot of potential here, and more consumers and businesses are starting to realise this. The reasons for their usage are simple: they provide a way to access information at anytime, anywhere, and at very low costs.
Use of apps for communication and social networking has grown since COVID-19
Charts and data –
- 77% used an app to communicate via messages, voice or video (67% in 2019
- 73% voice calls (42% in 2019)
- 47% video calls (41% in 2019)
Number of different apps used to communicate.
- 55% used 1–3 (57% in 2019)
- 35% used 4+ (27% in 2019)
- 10% used 0 (16% in 2019)

Communication apps like these are also beneficial for businesses because they help create a better method of communications. With mass usage of smartphones, smart devices, and internet connections, businesses now have a much easier and better method of communication than ever before.
In order to take advantage of this, it is important for businesses to find communication apps that will give them the ability to control everything. Whether it is locking specific communications apps to individuals or creating a mass-marketing blackout, businesses can make sure that they have complete control over the use of their company’s software.
Online Consumer Behaviour
The success of any business depends upon one thing only – its ability to understand, adapt to changing consumer behavior. Consumer behavior is always changing and as more communication channels open up, companies must find new ways to meet the desires of the modern online consumer and at the same time, adapt to the ever-changing face of e-commerce.
In order to do this, companies need to understand what drives consumers to buy and what holds them back from making a purchase. Achieving this goal requires a solid understanding of consumer behavior and online technology.
Today’s ecommerce environment is largely governed by trends which emerged from marketing research and product development processes. For example, it has been found that a consistent theme in the consumer behaviour charts is the desire for brand and product specific or personalised experiences.
As a result, marketers have been focusing their attention on providing consumers with the ability to personalise or tailor made offers, which ultimately pushes sales. In this process, a brand may create a unique consumer packaged goods experience which incorporates its own range of products and/or services, its own digital marketing strategy, its own consumer experience and even its own content.
As ecommerce continues to evolve, marketers will continue to monitor, test, and implement strategies in order to satisfy their customers. However, in order to take advantage of these emerging trends, marketers must first be aware of what is happening in and around the industry.
Leading market researchers today are conducting research into how people interact with technology and into how people perceive different consumer packaged goods and services. These emerging trends will ultimately impact the way that marketers think about and package consumer goods online.