One of the advantages of starting your own photography blog is that it can help increase your photography traffic and sales. You may not think about it but people do buy photography on the internet. And, it is a proven fact that website traffic and sales go hand in hand. You may be one of those who think this does not apply to you. It certainly can, if you are open to the idea and willing to learn.
Indeed, this approach can be quite successful. This will lead to some great monetary gains for you and your photography career. By running a photography blog you could: Display different styles for your customers to view at your website. Have your own platform to manage as you see fit. Make your site appealing to search engines by updating content regularly, keeping it current, and offering extras like free prints and more
There are some other advantages to starting your own photography blog. For example, with a good photography blog you can build credibility with your customers as well as show them that you have something to offer that they will enjoy. This builds a great deal of trust and can make many things easier for your professional photographer when he or she tries to establish a relationship with the customer. Many customers will appreciate the fact that a professional photographer likes their business and takes the time to look after it.
Starting your own photography blog for nothing is actually quite easy and there are plenty of reasons why you should try it. For starters, there are hundreds of thousands of bloggers online. In fact, just looking through some of the most popular blogging websites can give you an indication as to how big this industry really is. Not only that but since blogging is relatively new, there are many websites that you can choose from. By taking a little bit of time to research different websites you will be able to find a suitable one which is both unique and well suited to your needs.
When it comes to blogging platforms, there are two main options available: WordPress and Blogger. WordPress tends to be the more popular of the two, partly because it has a much higher standard and offers a lot more functionality than its less expensive competitor. This is especially useful if you have a photography business because you will not want to waste your time trying out different blogging platforms, wasting money in the process. On the other hand, WordPress offers a lot of basic functionality in terms of formatting and image hosting and is a very good platform for those just getting started with photography.
The next step is to decide on a good name for your blogging site. You can use your personal or company name as the domain name but it is always a good idea to trademark your domain name if you are going to market your photography online. It is also advisable to choose a reliable hosting plan so that you will be able to keep up with regular page and visitor updates. For your domain name, you will need to choose your blog’s title, a keyword phrase that is related to your subject matter, and a couple of short words that describe your blog in order to make it easy for visitors to find you. Remember, you will want to incorporate a keyword in the title of your blog because this will help search engines to pick up your site when someone searches for your topic.
Once you have established yourself as a blogger, then the real fun begins in actually building your photography blog and making some extra money. There are several different ways that you can make money through blogging but the easiest is to sell advertising space on your blog. This will allow you to earn additional income, which will help you pay for all the extra costs that come with starting your own blog. You can either choose to offer one-time advertising packages or longer-term advertising packages where you are paid on a monthly basis for as long as your blog is live.
As soon as you have started your photography blog and have made some extra money with it, then you will begin to think about expanding and putting together bigger and better events. If you have put together a successful photography blog with plenty of followers, then maybe you could start your own photography event. This could be especially lucrative if you own a studio or if you have an event photography blog that attracts many followers. You could charge a membership fee for people to join and then once they become members, they could buy ad space on your photography event blog for discounted rates. This would allow you to earn even more money while you are building your photography blog and generating interest in your photography studio as well as your photography blogs in general. So while you are busy earning extra money by blogging, don’t forget to get started on setting up your own photography events.