The days are counting down from being able to enjoy unlimited Google Photos Storage and never needing to look at it to delete anything so you can free up some space.
From the 1st of June your Free unlimited storage of Google Photos storage will come to an end.
The company has announced that users will get 15GB of free cloud storage. Beyond this storage limit you have to pay for extra storage.
New Pricing

With the passing of time, more people started posting their pictures to share online. This meant that with an ever increasing number of photographers, the need for an ever increasing amount of space for storage also became urgent. The good news is that with this change in the Google Photos Unlimited Storage Option, you can once again start enjoying the unlimited storage benefits that you enjoyed for the past few years. Although Google Photos is now ending, this doesn’t mean that you have to stop enjoying all the great features that this program has to offer.
There are still many features in Google Photos that you can enjoy. With this change, the only thing that you need to worry about is how you will be able to get more space for your photo storage services. What’s good with this decision by Google is that they are keeping things interesting by adding new features and improving services on a regular basis. What’s better than having an unlimited free photo storage option while still enjoying several new high-tech additions? Well, here’s what you can do:
How to take advantage
To take advantage of this new service, there are several ways of expanding your photo storage needs. One of the most effective solutions is to purchase an external hard drive or an external disk that will expand your online photo storage to at least ten gigabytes. The higher the drive size, the faster everything will load and upload your photos. As a result, you can now enjoy an unlimited free photo storage option and still have plenty of space left over for those unexpected photos that always seem to crop up from nowhere.
Another way to make the most of your photo storage needs and ensure that you never run out of space is to use one of the many Google Photos alternatives that is available today. One of the more popular cloud storage providers in the Google Photos marketplace is Dropbox. If you want to enjoy the same unlimited storage benefits offered by Google Photos but don’t want to have to deal with sharing your photos over the internet, then Dropbox is a great option to consider.
Dropbox offers a simple solution that uses your current email system to let you upload your photos unlimited storage locations. All you have to do is download your photos from your Google Photos account and drag and drop them into your Dropbox folder. When you are done, simply delete the files, compress them to your desired size using your hands-free flash drive (an external hard drive will do just fine) and upload them via e-mail. That’s it – your photos are now all safely stored offsite for you, guaranteed to never be lost or misplaced.