Why IT departments need to rethink procurement? Because the current model simply isn’t working for companies of all sizes. Today’s economic climate has forced businesses to look at their bottom line more than ever. However, cutting costs to save dollars is only a good idea if those cuts result in increased productivity. If that doesn’t happen, then companies simply aren’t cutting enough corners and in fact are paying more than necessary to get less work done.
The current procurement model for most companies is too complex and rife with opportunities for error and inefficient procurement strategies. First, IT must determine its priorities and then work to align those priorities with the desires of the business units. This often results in IT spending more time correcting what already exists rather than establishing new processes. Second, IT must maintain relationships with all business units, which can involve a great deal of hassle. Finally, IT departments must conduct regular assessments of the procurement processes and practices used by each unit.
Why is this issue important?
In today’s economic climate, increasing profitability is almost a prerequisite for success. Therefore, it stands to reason that increasing profitability must be tied to sound IT departmental budgets. Why isn’t this the case? IT departments don’t have one department accountable for the entirety of their business, but rather various business units.
How does this tie into cost control?
When departments don’t have clear guidelines for making strategic and tactical decisions about IT, they become confused about how to best invest their operating budgets. In addition, IT departmental budgets don’t take into account the types of services provided by vendors. This can result in the prioritization of services above core IT investments and the inability to make the kinds of savings necessary to maintain a profitable business.
Why must companies improve procurement practices? Improving procurement practices is critical because they directly impact the bottom line. In today’s competitive market, every penny counts. As such, it is imperative that organisations develop strategies that enable them to get the most bang for their dollar. In doing so, they will avoid investing in options that will not generate the kind of return on investment they desire.
What are some practical solutions to improve the procurement process? Two areas that must be examined are business objectives and competitive threats. By closely analysing business objectives, it becomes clearer what IT needs to focus on in order to best serve its customers. Doing so will allow IT to identify opportunities to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
What are some threats to departmental budgets?
The most common threats are mission-critical technologies and non-core business assets. IT must identify what capabilities and/or services, it must focus on acquiring in order to maintain its competitive position in the marketplace. In doing so, it can then ensure that it remains capable of providing mission-critical IT services and fulfilling its responsibilities while reducing its operational costs.
How can IT leverage its budget limitations?
One way to do so is to implement strategies that enable IT to acquire the capabilities and services it needs while meeting its budgetary constraints. This is accomplished by first identifying current spending trends and assessing how those trends are impacting departmental budgets. Then, an effective budgeting strategy is implemented. Finally, a monitoring system is put in place to ensure that the strategy is properly implemented and maintained.
Why IT procurement initiatives are not working?
Another key reason why IT procurement departments don’t achieve success is that they focus too much on financial incentives rather than customer requirements. IT needs to develop tools and processes that align its objectives with the goals and requirements of the customer. In addition, IT needs to develop and deploy those tools and processes in a manner that makes sense for the company as a whole. By doing so, IT is able to effectively align its efforts with the needs of the business and meet its goals.
What can I do to improve my departmental budgets?
The first step to improving departmental budgets is to understand the current state of the industry. Determine how your industry is performing relative to competitor expectations and look for opportunities to improve. For example, if you see that some vendors are outpacing competitors in certain areas such as IT and manufacturing, there might be a chance that you could perform better by focusing your resources on those areas.
Finally, IT professionals often underestimate the value of network infrastructures and how they can impact economies. When IT professionals spend more time developing IT policies and training courses that address network infrastructures, they are often guilty of ignoring the economic impact of their decisions. This in turn can lead them to developing systems that are not economically sound. Implementing policies that address network infrastructure, storage capacity, and virtualisation can have a dramatic impact on companies in the knowledge economy and create a system that drives the economy.